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The new CEO of Warner Bros looms over the Nurse at giga size to tell her she's been cut. 




Nice work, I kinda wish Hello Nurse was in the reboot though they would base it on her traits from her titular song and Wakko's Wish and the focus more on her mind and either became a doctor or scientist, to show her evolving to fit in the modern era than just be a prop and gag for Wakko and Yakko


I don’t like the reboot at all. They ruined it imo.

Person LastName

Eh, as a fan of the og show (I have all the dvd box sets when I got really into it a decade ago) the show was always very "tacky gaggy" so I didn't have any high expectations. I just enjoyed it for binge trash and I was happy to see the characters....and also the this new CEO immitted dom energy for me lol

Person LastName

I'd need to rewatch that, but I was fine with her not being in the show although some joke about how she was treated while making a cameo would have been nice.