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Hello my dear Patrons, I've been ill this week which has affected the creation of content here on the platform, but during this time I've come up with some ideas to help me make new stories.

One of the ideas I had was to create a poll for you to vote for some characters you'd like to see in one of these TFs and the other would be destined for weekly commissions, such as AI edits and prompts that you ask for, I'll leave some examples here in this post, but I need to work on this last idea better.

Finally, thank you for your support over the last few months and I intend to continue posting more here on the platform, although my time is a little scarcer than before I'm making an effort to bring you new content.

Thank you very much!




These are good ideas for simple post or filler between bigger projects. You could do a post to gather ideas. Hope you could recover well.