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Hello dear patrons! As might be obvious from recent slow progress here, workload again means that I've been unable to achieve anything in terms of the backburner projects -- not a single bit of work done on the Heuvelmans project, nothing on The Big Book, nothing on Cryptozoologicon 2, nothing on the other things. It's frustrating but a consequence of being involved in so many other things. As you might have heard by now, Mesozoic Art - co-edited with Steve White, published by Bloomsbury, and featuring art by 20 excellent palaeoartists - is now out and available from all retailers. You can buy it direct from the publishers (https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/mesozoic-art-9781399401364/ though their ability to send books to the EU and overseas are limited), from your local bookstore, or from the standard digital retailers.

We're pretty proud of the book. We've tried to set up signing events but nothing has really worked out; the only one that's at all noteworthy is the TetZooCon event. Anyway, more news on the book and on all of this at this new Tet Zoo article ... https://tetzoo.com/blog/2022/10/29/announcing-mesozoic-art

Ancient Sea Reptiles also now exists in physical form and I have two in my ownership. The image at the top of this post shows the UK edition (published by the Natural History Museum, London). The US one (published by Smithsonian Publishing) is different and looks like this...

The book goes on sale in Feb 2023 and can be pre-ordered from relevant websites. I'm thrilled to have got this book done: I've been trying for decades to get publishers interested in a book on this subject! I'll be talking lots more about it next year, and doing various talks around the UK about it (and the subject more broadly).

Outside of work, other things on the backburner right now include two new papers on British spinosaurs -- yes, we have yet more stuff to announce -- and my talk at the American Society of Aesthetics meeting in Oregon. I'm totally not ready for that and time is running out. Then there's the Plot bone project - a very secret thing that I'll announce here within a week or so.

Finally, I am very far behind on sending out the books I owe some of you. I'm sorry about that and hope you can understand that I'm behind on everything. That's it for now, thanks as ever for support and more soon.



Mike Traynor

I've been waiting for a book like this almost as long as you've been trying to get one published. I'm so much looking forward to this one.

Kent Villard

Congratulations, I can’t wait to add these to my personal library.