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Hi there noble patrons! It occurred to me recently that I'd actually LOST a bunch of bird drawings (done for The Big Book), something I only discovered when I was looking for my falconids and parrot drawings for the new David Peters article at TetZoo (just published:  http://tetzoo.com/blog/2020/7/23/the-david-peters-problem ). It took a while, but I managed to relocate them, and I've been tidying them and preparing them for incorporation into the relevant montages. The birds you see here are; 1. Falco (represented by a Peregrine, of course). 2. Polyborus, a caracara. 3. Steatornis, the oilbird. 4. Nyctibius, a potoo. All of these will be included in assorted cladograms, montages and so on -- still so much to do before this giant book is done! I haven't made any progress at all this year on the incomplete chapters, it's very depressing. But I will finish eventually.

I also used the rediscovered 'caprimulgiform' drawings to start making progress on one of the cladograms planned for the book. I haven't yet had time to start compositing it properly, so here it is in its very easiest stages. A complete version (likely following the work of Albert Chen and colleagues) will be done soon; it's then ready for The Big Book, and also for TetZoo.

As always, thanks so much for your support. I have so much stuff in-prep, but nothing that's getting finished. More soon :)




This year has been a tough one for everyone in the world. Don´t feel bad if you haven´t been able to avance projects in 2020... surviving this year is already a victory. Please, be safe.


Having seen the progress so far on the Big Book at previous TetZooCons - and it is *big* - I am astounded by the amount of work, skill and hard-earned knowledge that you have put into it already! It’s mind blowing! How you’ve managed to achieve what you have around life and commitments is simply extraordinary. It’s the work of a lifetime and you’re well ahead of schedule! :)