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I wanted to see what all my Big Book squamates would look like if thrown together in the same composite, and here's the result (though mosasaurs aren't included, since they're on a different scale altogether). The numbering is wholly provisional and just for placement/composition. So many more animals are still needed. 

The borioteiioid at upper right (with the grass) is terrible and needs replacing, and the final version probably won't have the Varanus priscus (Megalania), since it means showing everything else at much smaller scale. Lots more snakes to come, and then lots of extinct Mesozoic and Paleogene lizards.

Updated, expanded versions of this montage will be appearing over coming weeks and months. Reminder: my main 'spare time' project at the moment is the accursed Eotyrannus monograph, and I still have weeks to go before that's finished. Only once it's done can I properly get back to work on the Big Book...




oops - Lialis the pygopodid appears twice...