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There are still quite a few birds to do for The Big Book, and I thought I'd start by finishing the last anseriforms (wildfowl or waterfowl) I need. Here, we have the Paleogene Presbyornis - a weirdly long-legged, long-necked anseriform of disputed phylogenetic status. The proportions are based on Scott Hartman's reconstruction, though I added a bit of extra 'hook' on the bill as per bill shape in magpie-geese. The colour scheme is hypothetical, though I did look at magpie-geese while inventing it.

Adjacent to the Presbyornis we have two anseriforms I've drawn before - but those pictures were quick and not especially accurate so new version we're needed. At left is a Fulvous whistling duck; at right, a Freckled duck.  They were drawn from photos. 

Now to add all three to the new anseriform montage. The anseriform montage of the book is pretty long, so will need various montages, cladograms and timelines. I think I still have a few more taxa to illustrate...



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