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Over the last several days, I invited people on twitter (I'm @TetZoo) to request cartoon illustrations of animals - any animals. I emphasised that the cartoons would be rough, hurried and bad, and I've set myself a 2 minute limit for each illustration. The requests have been coming in, and I've mostly been keeping up (the primary thread is here: https://twitter.com/TetZoo/status/980104165883105280).

The AIM of this is to then display the compiled cartoons here at patreon, and eventually publish the final montage at my redbubble shop (https://www.redbubble.com/people/tetzoo). I have no idea if this will work as a marketable product, but it seemed like a fun idea at the time.

Here's how things are looking right now - the cartoons done so far have very much been thrown together, and the cartoons themselves need to be tidied, edited, and colourised (I may even use actual colour - I haven't started that process yet). More cartoons need doing, and thus adding and compositing, before this is done - so check back soon to see what the next version looks like.

More soon!



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