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Here a new animation. Clearly not my best at all as you can see. Thing is I try a new way to animate physics but It didn't turn well atm.

To be honest I even hesitated to release this animation, for me it doesn't reach the quality I want to show. 

But recently, I think that this way of thinking isn't good for my motivation and health. I made some content I finally drop because of that, I always want a "perfect quality" that reflect my skill, but I know it's start to weigh me down.

That's why I decide to probably test more thing, even if the quality isn't great at all, and if you think it's "lazy", well I hope I can show you it's not, because it'll probably result on more content, and this show you how much I work and how your support isn't a waste.

So I hope you'll understand me.

Thanks all for you support!



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