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Fornax is finally here!


Hope you'll enjoy it! Don't hesitate to tell me your favorite pic!

Well, what a ride. I have this fornax idea since ~September, but I never thought I'll really do it. It was a challenge, because finding 30 poses, 30 scenes, and lights 30 times ... Clearly, some pics aren't really good (All "pic 4" per character is my worsts imo), but keeping good quality were so hard...

A fornax #2 (with sex involved) will depends on the popularity of this one because yeah, 30 pics was a long work and if it's not popular, I'll have no reasons to continue this amount of work.

I will take a little break too
, 30 pics = 1 pic per day this month so I think it's not so bad!




I like it a lot! 🥰😍. 5 poses per lady! That is a huge amount of work, but you’ve done a great job, especially with the outstanding lighting in many of them. I’ll start the clamouring for Fornax 2! But perhaps you could drop it to 4, maybe even 3 matings per lady? Hopefully that would be more survivable 😎. Or limit it to a single theme: wrex enjoys/storms thru the ladies of the Normandy.


HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT Here's your gold medal CHAMP 🥇🥇🥇 I love that femshep model WOW My favorite pic are all the femshep picture you did, Liara 1, 3, Jack 2 and 4, Miranda 1, 4 and 5, ashley 4 and 5. Take care, that's a lot of work you did


Thank you! Glad you like it! Always a pleasure to see his works be praised! For Fornax 2 (that won't coming before a long time) you're probably right yeah, maybe ~3 pic per lady because sex = more posing and make the light management more harder too. I hope that the community will release more ladies (I want T'Loak!) or update model (like Wrex) with more HD textures with the release of ME:LE. We'll see! Thanks again!


Thank you a lot! I know you like the front of Femshep so I did my best for this! Really glad you enjoy a lot of this pics, even some pics I thought it wasn't so good. Thanks again!

Shena Patrick

These are awesome! So well done! I love FemShep’s model in particular. Showing that muscular, strong women can also be feminine.