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Well ... Honestly, I'm not happy at all about this.

For a little explanation, Femshep model by Celtic is very good, no words about that, but this model quality impact the performance a lot. a LOT. So I can make a picture with her, but trying to animate her with a constant 11fps .... is really hard to see if the animation looks good or not, so I did my best but I don't think I'll animate femshep again....


Black version will come soon.

No animation next week btw, but probably one or two pic.




"Well ... Honestly, I'm not happy at all about this." It's good. I'm not an amateur or pro in term of 3d but this look good to me. And C3ltic femshep looks fantastic. "so I did my best but I don't think I'll animate femshep again...." NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭


Thanks for always cheering me up dude! =D (And for femshep, until I found a way to gain fps i think ...)


Well as long as you do still image it's ok 😁 This model is really good, would be a waste not to use it