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Finally did it, I struggled a lot with the lighting, so I switched to Cycles render, but the time of rendering is soooo long (~5h)..





It was worth it, very good animation. Just a question, can you share the tutorials you used to learn blender ?


I don't think I have really specific tutorial. Youtube is your ressource to learn Blender. You have plenty of tutorial & channel for every aspect of the software. Fundamentals is of course the first video you need to watch. Blender isn't a easy software. Hard to learn, very hard to master. You have plenty of channel, like "Blender" "Blender Guru" which are very good starter. If you want to start Blender for making things I do, here some tips - Be patient, it's a long, very long journey. - Don't go too fast. Learn the basics. Don't try to make a hard scene. Just pick one model, and learn to pose, play with the model, a lot. - After that, learn how to light. Lighting is for me one of the most important thing in a poster. Bad ligthing = bad result. Learn lights in Youtube with the "3 point lightings." A lot of "3d artist" make bad lighting, so their scene looks very flat with no shadow, but shadow is important for emphasis & realism. I didn't say I'm good, but I clearly see when i make good or bad lighting. Well, begin with this, It's already a LOT of work. Hope its helps.


Thanks for the anwser, and i agree with what you just said.