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Although its not quite the new year where I live its close enough and I just want to thank you for helping this little sticker club become a reality of mine. Sure we had some hiccups and those will persist but I appreciate all the love and support from your end that helps me keep going even when things seem dire from my end. Moving forward I know Eva stickers kinda got here at a hectic mail time so I'm just going to double package those with One Piece stuff. Ive been in the middle of getting a new job and holiday stuff so its been throwing things off track. As for people who jumped on the new tier your first rewards for that will be part of the One Piece set. Expect a lot more art moving forward as well Ive been definitely feeling reinvigorated by the live model sessions and just drawing with friends, and your comments on my works really make my day. I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year and just say Thank You again, this wouldn't be possible without you. <3


Harrison Jack

happy new year lovely 💞 Here's to 2024 wooooo