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Amethyst WIP commission Ciaran 




This is looking wonderful


So cute!! I love her vibrant purple hair😍 and of course her eyes are gorgeous. ❤❤ she looks very comfy and sexy. Love this Didi😙 big big hugs😍❤


I'd say her heart's in the right place! ;)

Ciarán M

Oh Didi, she's perfect, I mentioned a lot of the things I liked the during the stream but there's no harm in letting you know once again what a sensational job you've done so far 😂. Her face is perfect, there's no other word to describe it, soft, beautiful, cute, endearing, welcoming and expressive, I actually couldn't have imagined her looking any better, her smile just makes me melt 😂😍😙💜💚😙😍 and her eyes shine so wonderfully, like big, wondrous sapphires 💙💙💙. The hair is sensationally detailed as usual and I absolutely adore the various strands that split off, the ones that frame her cheeks and eyes with those that fall in front of her forehead are so adorable, in any future Amethyst commissions, those falling strands are a must have 😻💜😻 (the shine to her hair is terrific too). The way her hair sweeps and curves, falling and draping around her breast is wonderful too. And then of course there's her body, the sensational rendering of her face carries across to all of her, in particular, her exposed shoulder looks terrific, as does the part of her breast that's visible as it wraps upwards with her utterly sensational stomach below, gorgeous thighs and bending, flowing calves. Her hands too are terrific as they wrap around both her own leg and Tammy, the right one is especially nice with the light illuminating it. Her clothes are fantastic, a perfect shade of green 💚 and wonderfully rendered, as ever, the various folds throughout are terrific and I adore her little necklace with the shining gold around her neck and green and purple hearts 💛💚💜. And Tammy looks marvellous too, the fluffy textures are amazing 😻😻😻, as are the colour patterns and her green eyes 💚. Oh boy, I've rambled on for quite a bit again, I couldn't help it, you've done such a breathtaking job Didi, the background is looking wonderful too, so delightfully purple with a gorgeous, cosy, comfy atmosphere, the sofa definitely helps with those big cushions 😄. Stunning work, Didi 😍😙💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚😙😍, I absolutely love her, I truly couldn't be happier and I can't wait to see her finished.

Kravenar Games

Nice but sexy at the same time!


Oh my oh my, this is SO purple!! :D What a cutey, great work, Didi 💜💜💜


Relaxing sexy, I like how the hearts are in place of the good bits... :P lol Really like that hair though, nice use of shade and shine. :)

Ciarán M

The hearts were my idea, I guess I get Didi to paint somewhat naughty things 😉😂.

Ciarán M

Oh I know, isn't it all so wonderful 💜💜💜? And Didi did an amazing job on her face, I can't get over how adorable she is 😄💜, glad you like her, Dandon (and of course, your 2B is my wallpaper, totally love her 😍)

Cyril Vaxx

Wow. I couldn't agree more. I really just love how you've done her. Her face and hair are remarkably beautiful. She looks so comfortable and relaxed. :) How'd she get the cat so obedient and content, though? :b Mine always is pawing at me or clawing at me to pet. xD


OMG😍! I'm super hyper mega happy you liked it !!!! Waaa is very exciting to read in particular this great comment always left without words to answer his wonderful words: 3 Always infinite thanks for your great gesture of kindness with my work: D It is a great motivation to read your comment, it makes me feel very lucky. Right now I really want to dance hehehe This is very valuable the description of the details of the art and that this character has liked you on your birthday, Amethyst is very special: 3 A giant hug and hugs cute Tammy she is a great model hehehe😍😙💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚😙😍 And more hugs for the other kittens and secret messages meow meow meow 😻😻😻 😻😻


Ohh thanks Jonathon, I really am excited to know that you liked the WiP million hugs<a href="https://m.popkey.co/b2aa2c/EG4wv.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.popkey.co/b2aa2c/EG4wv.gif</a>


Ohhh thank you so much Derek, your words make me very happy, Giant Hugs😍😍😍<a href="https://goo.gl/qYBGd2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/qYBGd2</a>


Ohhh !! I'm really excited that you like Cyril !!! Always thanks💖💖💖:3 Hehehe your kitty is very restless must be playful awww😻