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Sasha WIP commission Fuzz   Sasha from "Advance Wars: Dual Strike". 



Ciarán M

This is absolutely gorgeous, Didi 😻💜. I adore how vibrant this piece is with all of it's colours, a wonderful mix of both cool and warm tones, particularly shown with the character herself. Her pose is lovely too with her beautiful face and smile, hair draped over her shoulder on one side while it flows so elegantly on the other and the slight lean of her body to the side as her hips push out and I really like her hands and how they're held up with her fingers so elegant. Her clothes look fantastic as well with the many folds throughout, my favourites being at her left arm and how the material wraps over her belt and both the orange lines and buttons define the forms of her body and the folds as they wrap over them. The background is looking wonderful too, can't wait to see both it and Sasha fully painted 😄. Magnificent work so far, Didi 💜💚💜💚💜💚.


She looks great!


This is looking very nice! I really like how the background is shaping up :)


Wiiiiii thanks Ciaran I'm really excited that you like how this WIP from Sasha is going I hope you also like the finished work. It always gives me great emotion 😻to read every detail you comment on. Many hugs for you and the kittens💜💚💜💚💜💚.


Looking great! Love how colorful it is, especially the background. 👌🏻