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D.Va NSFW content Overwatch




Wow, the color and shading is incredible


Ay ay ay más que el cuerpo , la hermosa expresión 😍


She's beautiful!! You did a tremendous job! 😍😍

Ciarán M

Oh my, Didi, now isn't this a wonderful surprise 😃. I love that background, simple and yet it gives an atmosphere that I really like. You did a fantastic job on her face which looks beautiful, I also love that strand of hair that flows in front of her and leads the eye to her torso, her hands on either side, framing her breasts with her magnificent stomach beneath. You've rendered her perfectly with her features fantastically defined (I adore that bright highlight on her nose, so cute 😄💜), that stomach looks absolutely incredible 😍. Brilliant work, Didi 💜💜💜💜💜, you've made me want to start playing D.Va again 😂 (and I did finally get the Witch skin for Mercy, so happy)


Aside from the NSFW Stuff ^~^; I think you did a great job with the color choices of this piece. One minor problem/criticism: There's an abudance of blurring all around. The Blur tool can be used to enhance and/or stand out larger features of the drawing but when placed all over.. It overshadows some of the finer details (Arms, Hair, Body). Try to limit some of it next time, please. Not that's its a bad piece at all. I think it's good but could be better. Nice Job <333 =)

Frank Leo

... nice

Ashley Mason

Oooooh. D.va!! <3 Such a wonderful expression on her face, a sweet love I find gorgeous.


Ohh I'm so glad you like the work of Dva,   I love it Overwatch characters (especially girls: 3) It is encouraging to read your words. A big hug.


Thank you sooo much Maikeru for your suggestion will work more carefully this part of work to improve, always a big hug and thanks for your great support :3 😍😍😍