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Angelita OC Angela (NSFW content)




You did a wonderful job!


Holy sh** Didi, one of your best works yet!

Ciarán M

Once again Didi, you have proven that this is indeed your best month yet and that your skills have grown tremendously 😁, this painting is simply breathtaking, I reacted the same way to this as to the Lady 😮😄. One thing I love about this one is hard to describe, there's a great atmosphere to this it, the incredible, warm colour tones surely contribute to it as does the soft, dark effects at the edge and of course the beautiful face that you've painted for Angelita 😍. Her hair is terrific, her yellow eyes are gorgeous and I love the seductive smile and overall feel to her as she lays back into the cool-toned cushion, arm extended over the back of the chair with her torso opened up, breasts wrapped over her chest and the marvellously painted, sexy stomach leading down to her sensual raised thigh. Seriously, I can't get over that stomach with the crease down the centre, plane change from it to her ribs and the way her hips lock into it. Ah, I just now figured it out after writing those last parts, you gave this painting a terrific, seductive, sensual atmosphere and as I said, the warm colour tones really help to accentuate that. I could keep going on about what I love here so I'll stop myself now and say brilliant work Didi, once again you show why you're one of my favourite artists 💜💜💜.

Ashley Mason

In the glow of a crackling fire she lounged on the armchair, naked but for a smile. A smile was all she need wear, a natural beauty that she was. And I pause- agog. No sight has held me so. No beauty has caused my heart a flutter like a million butterflies all within my chest. Love the mood of the this piece. Subdued lighting is wonderfully used to set the scene as she waits for her loved one to fall into her embrace. A romantic and sexy tone- soft and warming. Nice work, Didi!

Angelaaa Serrano y Gato

I will agree with your other fans here and say that this is the best month ever, and this is your best piece yet! And the direction you took Angelita is beautiful. It's gorgeous work! Thank you!!


Oh! This me great happiness thanks to Ciaran, Is a great motivation appreciate the work and effort in each piece. Each work is special, :3 Read your words is exciting. Thank you so much! Big hugs 💜💜💜 :3


Oh! I love how creating a story around the art wow Ash thank you very much for your beautiful and imaginative words. Always a big hug.


Wow thanks Angelaaa, it's great that you like the commission. Angelita is a charming character and herself shines in every interpretation of the artists. A big hug :3