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  wiiiii XD



Ciarán M

Oh Didi, I really like her :D. The pose is really sexy with the slanted shoulders with her breasts following the angle, her top opening up so we can see her stomach and those lovely thighs on full display XD. Love the colours dark-reddish hair and green eyes are a great combination and the pink shades of her clothes are really cute, as is the lollipop between those rather lovely lips ;). The style of her hair is great too with all of the swirls and little strands falling in front of her face. Terrific work, Didi, can't wait to see her finished :D


She's gorgeous! 😍😍😍

Ashley Mason

That is what I call a classic. A classic love.


Woow Ciaran thank you very much for your beautiful words are always the best. and today I need a lot Oh! you are in the avatar and your cat :D A big hug :D


Amazing and sexy!!! Can´t wait what Didi will do with colours, shading, smoke...! Wow!