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She's gorgeous!!!! I love her pose!

Ciarán M

Oh yes, there she is :) Those little adjustments you've made have done wonders, I love her even more and that's saying a lot XD. Seriously can't wait to see more of her :D And i just noticed, you put her wrist pressing against her boob... I like it ;)

Ashley Mason

Quite inviting. :P

Ciarán M

That was definitely the intent with the pose XD. A warm summer night, the harsh light of the sun has vanished and this vampire can now enjoy the beach, relaxing by the sea, basking in the moonlight with a glass of warm blood when a visitor stumbles upon her... What happens next? Well, that's up to your imagination ;)

Ciarán M

The best part of these commissions is of course seeing what wonders Didi makes for us, second best is seeing the reactions of everyone else :D Glad you like it too :)