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Hi my dear patrons, I am very happy my trip to the convention in Bogota, thanks for the messages of support.

And this month the November 12 I have one year in Patreon :)

thank you always for the support.

For patrons who play a year with me in patreon I have a special gift.

and all Patrons soon I will make a raffle commission.

This month the drawings have anniversary version :)

A big hug





Felicitaciones Didi, es genial como te ha ido en Patreon eres una gran inspiración, cuando pueda ten por seguro que te apoyaré aqui C: Gracias por la visita en mi perfil ;D


Gracias por tus amables palabras seguro tendrás gran éxito tu trabajo es encantador. :)

Ashley Mason

Congratulations for making it a year! and don't doubt you have many more years to come!! :D Great work, Didi, as always! <333


And you had to include a cute Ahri on the top to make the occasion happier <3. Congratulations!


Congratulations :D and many more to come ;)


This journey has been amazing to be a part of and hope it doesn't end. MUY EMOCIONADO!


Waaaa Jer million thanks you're great! whenever I read your comments gives me great joy. A giant hug. :3

Ted Brown

It's been a great year! I love all the images you've produced (not just the ones for me!) And I love how many people are supporting you now! ;-)


Thank you Ted, you believed in my work from the beginning and you should here be excited to give it better every day, I hope this new year bring new projects and benefits that you like, a strong hug. :-D