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Dave spent four hours at the ball, engaging in polite conversation with various posh, overdressed girls and their parents. Despite his efforts and expectations, he didn't find Cedez among the attendees.

After a few hours, the chatter and faces around him started to blur together. He struggled to maintain interest, becoming more and more stressed out by the crowd.

It seemed that every girl he spoke to was more interested in his noble title and wealth than in getting to know him as a person.

As the day wore on, Dave's hopes began to wane. He had hoped to find Cedez and perhaps end this test quickly with her at his side, but she wasn't in attendance. When Dave asked the Valet he was told that there was no Cedez Astra on the attendance list and that there was no such noble last name.

Frustration mounted within him, as he longed for an escape from the charade of being a princeling.

In another hour, feeling stuffed from far too many caviar sandwiches, Dave could no longer bear the weight of the ball. Desperate for an escape, he rushed to the nearest bathroom and hastily removed his constricting jacket, feeling the relief wash over him. He pushed the window open wide, breaking the safety latch and climbed out of the bathroom window and down the ivy-covered wall.

Landing into the bushes, he felt his heart pounding with exhilaration. If Cedez wasn’t at the ball, perhaps there was another place in Shandria where he could find her.

Dave ran through cobblestone city streets, eventually finding his way towards the little cottage where he had first met Cedez and her family. The wind whipped through his ginger hair as he navigated the packed streets.

Finally, he arrived at the quaint cottage nestled among a cluster of trees. He knocked on the door, hoping that Cedez would be there. The door swung open, and Cedez's mother, a kind-looking orange-furred foxkin Clothmancer, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Yes... my young Lord?" She asked, bending down to his level. "How may I be of assistance?"

Dave caught his breath for a moment, trying to find the right words. "I apologise for the intrusion, lady seamstress, but I've been searching for Cedez. Is she here?"

“You know my daughter, my Lord?” The foxkin Clothmancer's smile turned into a look of extreme concern. “What has that rapscallion of mine done now?”

"No, no, it's nothing like that," Dave reassured her, shaking his head. "I just... I need to speak with her. It's… important."

“How does the son of Lord Rim know of my daughter?” The woman asked.

"We've met before," Dave replied, rubbing the back of his head as his mind tried to arrive at a realistic lie. " She helped me when I was lost at a market, and now, I need to find and thank her."

The foxkin Clothmancer studied him for a moment before her worried expression softened. "Cedez does have a heart for those in need. She should be in the backyard, my young Lord. She's been practising her swordplay. Come right this way, through the gate.”

Dave followed the foxkin Clothmancer through the cottage and out to the backyard, where he saw Cedez, her orange fur glinting in the sunlight. The much younger version of Cedez was practising swordplay with a wooden stick.

Dave froze. Since when did Cedez have brilliant, orange fur like her mother? Was she not the Sovereign here?! Was this girl not his Cedez?

"Cedez, you have a visitor," her mother called out, causing the foxkin teen to pause and turn. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Dave.

"You found me!” She uttered, dropping her pointy stick.

“Yes,” Dave walked up to the foxgirl.

“I see that you’ve got reincarnated as a lordling,” she whispered in English when he arrived right next to her.

“Why, though?” Dave asked.

“The Engine of Crown Continuity is testing you,” she smiled, her silver-blue eyes twinkling. “Duh!”

Dave blinked. "But why? What does choosing a bride at a ball have to do with that? Is this reality or a simulation? Why don’t I have Phantomancy? Why is your fur a different color?”

"The trial is not just about you finding a bride, but about making choices that reflect your true character. It's about finding someone who will support and stand by me, a test of who you are as a person. It seems that the Ward wants you to rely on your wit rather than your magical prowess. It's a test of your true self, stripped of any magical crutches. As for whether this is reality or simulation, does it matter? We’re real enough aren’t we? That’s all that matters.”

The younger, smaller version of Cedez Dave knew stepped even closer to him, her silver-blue eyes striking his.

“Hrm,” Dave pursed his lips. “So, if I don’t have skills… Do you?”

“I don’t have magic skills either,” Cedez shook her head. “In this place I’m really just a simple foxgirl. As far as I know, I have no grand future here, no potential to lead Shandria. You, on the other hand, do.”

“Does this mean that…” Dave’s eyes went wide. “You aren’t bound by the Shadow?!”

Cedez nodded and Dave wrapped her in a tight embrace. The seconds ticked by with his heartbeat. One-two-tree-four-five-six-seven. The previously impassible limit was gone.

“Thank you,” she whispered, her smile wide.

Dave closed his eyes, refusing to let go of the hug. Was this the test? If so then it wasn’t so hard. The hug stretched on until the silence between them became awkward.

“So,” Dave asked. “When does this ‘test’ ends?”

“How long did your previous vision last?” Cedez replied.

"Until I died," he said.

"Then that's when it'll end," she shrugged.

“And what if we don’t die?” Dave arched an eyebrow.

“Then we will live here, Lord Rim,” the foxgirl grinned.

“Seriously?” Dave stared at his companion. “What about Remy, Sherlock, Svenn? Are they just going to wait for us forever out there?”

“We’re on Arxtruria, Dave,” Cedez sighed. “This city will be obliterated by one God or another in due time, I’m certain. Don’t look so concerned, like I said before almost no time should pass in that world while we’re here. Let's make the best of it and get to know each other better, yeah?”

“Fine,” Dave said.

The couple spent the rest of the day in the backyard, engaging in heartfelt conversations and getting to know each other better. They talked about their dreams, their pasts, and their hopes for the future of Shandria. The worries and pressures of the test seemed to fade away as they shared stories beneath the large oak trees in the garden.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the cottage, Cedez looked at Dave with a soft smile. "You know, Dave, I never expected to find someone like you. But I'm glad I did."

Dave returned her smile. "I'm glad I found you... and Remy, even though I wasn’t looking for either of you.”

“Who were you looking for?” She asked.

“My friend Lari,” Dave confessed. “She died on Earth and I was hoping to find her here, hoping that the fat emperor reincarnated her.”

“You still might find her,” Cedez shrugged. “Arx is a great wheel where all souls end up eventually. Uncounted billions awaken here after they perish elsewhere, this world constantly brings new souls from the void through the power of the summoners like the mad Dragon God-Emperor. You said that you heard a female voice when you died the first time on Earth?”

“Yeah,” Dave nodded.

“Then it was a female summoner who got you the first time around,” Cedez said.

“Think I’m going to meet my other self someday too?”

“You will meet yourself,” Cedez nodded. “And you will likely have to kill him.”


“Because he most likely turned into an absolute monster,” Cedez explained. “Joined one of the Gods as a lieutenant, helped vaporize nations, became an Archmage of death.”

“I really can’t imagine myself as someone like that,” Dave said looking up at the sparks of distant detonations.

“Arx changes people,” Cedez shrugged. “Maybe he lost someone special and started murdering people left and right and didn’t stop. Maybe he got old and went insane or even became a dungeon. Rare skills have a cost and you didn’t pay for yours, he did.”

Dave frowned.

“Remember that the choices we make shape who we are. Just because there may be a version of you who has gone down a dark path, it doesn't mean that you will follow the same fate. You have the power to choose differently, to stay true to yourself… and to me,” Cedez leaned her head onto Dave’s shoulder. “Even here, in our little… forever.”

She suddenly reached out and kissed him. Dave froze, but accepted the kiss. This wasn’t real life after all, this wasn’t even his body.

The wooden garden gate suddenly banged open and a Valet from the Rim Estate entered with armed guards behind him. Lord Alaster Rim was there too. His fiery glare struck Dave.

“There you are! We’ve been looking for you all over,” he barked.

Dave quickly broke away from the kiss, his face flushed red. He wasn’t sure of what to say. This entire world was fake, an illusion existing within the Ward of Shandria, but telling that to Lord Rim seemed like a bad idea.

Alaster's eyes narrowed, scanning the scene before him. "You've abandoned your duties at the ball to see this peasant girl?" he asked, his voice stern and accusatory. “You’re a prince of the house of Rim! You have a responsibility to your line!”

Dave took a deep breath before he spoke, "I may have a responsibility to our lineage, but I also have a responsibility to my feelings. I cannot choose a bride simply based on status or wealth."

"You truly believe that?" Lord Rim asked.

"Yes," Dave replied. "And if this test is about finding my true self, then I must choose what feels right to me."

He wasn’t speaking to his pretend father, but to the Crown Engine.

Lord Rim's expression darkened as he pointed a finger at Dave. "If you insist on choosing this girl, then I'll have no choice but to disown you. You will no longer be a prince of the house of Rim, as long as you’re here, with this commoner!”

“Whatever,” Dave shrugged. His hand found that of Cedez.

Lord Rim glared at the couple before turning away, his voice thick with disappointment. "Very well. You've made your choice. Leave the life of a pauper. You are my son no longer.”

Dave relaxed as he watched Lord Rim storm away with his guards.

Cedez squeezed Dave's hand gently. "So," she whispered. "You chose me over wealth and power.”

“You’re real, this offered power isn’t,” he shrugged. "I've never earned it, why would I want it?"

“Your predecessor chose power over me,” Cedez whispered.

“Well, I’d be perfectly happy living in this little cottage at the edge of town,” Dave waved his hand at the simple croft covered in trees.

He looked at the sun setting overhead, sinking into the darkness of Nihilim. The test wasn’t ending.

“Now what?” He asked.

“Now… we live happily ever after,” Cedez winked.

Dave wasn’t entirely satisfied with this answer, he wanted to return to Remicra and others in the Crown Tower, yet the test didn’t give him a choice in the matter.

“You’re welcome to stay with us, my Lord,” Cedez’s mother emerged from the house. “I’m certain that your father will forgive you once he cools down.”

“Just call me Dave,” Dave sighed.



Good to see UI is back in the works! Interesting turn of events going on for sure!


Interest but lol, i hope they do more then San Junipero for a spell.. Dave should be able to leverage knowledge of Alaster to gain leverage to marry a commoner. Plus he should know some shadow tongue etc .. maybe more of a hack the simulation? Glitches, faces melting off? Is there a limit ti the processing power? I mean a badass golem is pretty epic but there have got to be limits, that's too epic!

Vitaly S Alexius

Dave has no phantomancy in here and no knowledge of Alaster's memories, so he cant speak shadow tongue. It's not a sim, it's an alternative narrative skewer, an isekai-injection into a parallel timeline.