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Hello, this is Z from the development team, bringing you news from Andy himself. Since most of you are already on the server, I will be copy-pasting from Discord itself, please read it in full because it contains very important news that you need to know.

"Hello, @everyone, it's @andeh. Sorry for not giving you follow up update sooner. Without going too much into details, I planned to continue school in Australia next year, but something major came up and I had to postpone that for not one...or two, but THREE YEARS!  So, imagine how surprised I was LOL.
I've been dealing with the aftereffects of the irl sudden schedule change, causing my plan of 3 years steering away, so it's been really hectic over here trying to fix everything. I was going back and forth trying to get official paperwork done, doing my work, and also trying to finish P10 in time (which I failed, I apologize again)
I should've tackled it one at a time, but I haven't the luxury to do so, and that's why I haven't been saying much on the server (even though I'm online in game sometimes because of certain obligations.)
I also have been dealing with some...emotional issues. I gaslit myself into thinking I'm a big mess and interacting with people sort of perpetuated the issue, so it's safe to say I'm depressed, hating myself because I think I'm not worthy of anything, and on meds again.
Thanks to all that, I'm now majorly burnt-out and desperately need time off from everything so I can take care of IRL stuff more efficiently.
I planned on pausing the pledge in June, but seeing that we're already approaching the said month, and that Patreon will start charging you in a few minutes and that I still haven't uploaded P11 yet, I'll take a break in July instead. P11 will be uploaded in June and M10-M11 will be delayed until August. Public version will receive an update in a bulk (Episode Parker 1 for May and Episode Lars 2 for June) when P11 comes out for patrons.
Since it's a slow development month for me as a writer and the artists, and that there's a major health issue with @Mr.BearC, some of the assets will be delayed until further notice.
I think that's all I have for now, I'm really sorry about the delay and I hope you guys have a good day.
Thanks for reading."

I have modified some parts since some of them will not make sense on Patreon, but if you're a patron, please join the Discord server since that's how we're distributing updates now. (How to get Discord access.)

Once again, I ask you all patrons to join the Discord server since Parker Day 10 download link along with the password is already there. It's also the easiest way to reach Andy himself. He doesn't check messages outside of Discord often due to some social anxiety issues.

— Z



Estabien, no es urgente que subas las actualizaciones lo bueno es que avizas con anticipación


Don't over work yourself, it's fine if we don't get updates more frequently. It's your own personal health you should be worrying about. I hope you will feel better. AND ALWAYS YOUR THE BEST AND STAY POSITIVE.

Meijin KW

Why my patron can't connect with discord?


Hey there wana tell you i feel you man and that you can always take moment/break and let things be im on meds to and it tiring so by all means you came first before the vn so you stay first you got that


Secondly not comparing myself to you or anyone just leting you know your not alone and that i feel Chilled about your decision and that you do you I'm just grateful your keeping us updated and your honest so dont fret besides the content is quality over quantity. Go Chase your goals and keep on moving forward