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Hey everyone, fool's timezone! How's everyone doing, good so far? I'm here to show a short prototype of a side project we'll be working on: Another.


  • Okay, so what the heck is Another?

>> Contains spoilers for P9 (Parker Day 9) <<

Well, Another, like I mentioned is a side project I've been working on for a certain route in Parker Day 9 where Walter finds himself in the same-looking yet unfamiliar Highwell for a day. It's exploring a timeline where Walter and Mark don't exist, but Herbert and Alex do. Basically, this is a "what-if After Class story never happened?" kind of project. (No there won't be umbrellas and blood)

  • What's the deal with this, then?

Each chapter will be a one-shot story, feature at least one CG and once a character chapter is done, there's no continuation to it, and you can go do the next one...just like reading a one-shot doujin. There's no progression involved, and it's purely for your enjoyment (and mine.)

This is only a placeholder, the finished product will show at least two new, original character for Another.

  • Will this affect After Class' story, lore or anything in any way or form?

No, it will not. Since it's a different timeline of After Class universe, this is not related to the main events in AFCL at all, even though it has the same characters, same places, same settings, etc.

  • Will this affect the development of After Class? When will we get to play this project?

No, not at all. It's a side project that I'm not focusing on. This is more like what I do during my free time. That also means I won't be actively working on this project until After Class is almost done, so it will take a long time before a playable demo is available for everyone.

  • Is this an April Fool's joke?

That's up to you to decide. This might be just a very high-effort April Fool's joke, or maybe this is also a serious post to throw you off balance. Who knows!

I suppose that's all, thanks for reading!





"Another" tease, cannot wait for this! 😌


Could be an April Fool's joke...or perhaps, "Another" intentional pun!?

Meijin KW

Uhh please don't be a April fool's. I want to play it🥺