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Good timezone, everyone, Andy here, sitting in a room with Rex while we freeze in this weather (Also you must forgive me for the low quality image up there, this laptop could barely run Photoshop without it trying not to explode. LOL)

This post is made to make sure that the patrons from December will get the link for upcoming update if they wish to stop pledging in January. It's also, unfortunately, a post to tell you guys that it's going to be delayed for a week or two. There's a reason for the delay and there's nothing I could do to prevent it.

We've done probably about 10 backgrounds (with a lot of different variations) within 2 months, and we've asked them to rush and not pay attention to the details for now. Even so, that's a lot of work for our background artist(s). There's also CG artists, we currently have 5 CGs done (10+ if counting variations)

So far, we still need at least 4 backgrounds and we're missing the last CG to finish before we can release it.

Folder will be empty until it's uploaded. Make sure to save the link in case you're not pledging in January. You can ignore the next posts for Playful Lions and Quiet Bulls.

Link: Dropbox (Cuddly Bears+) | Password: 0900newtiger



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