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Good timezone, friends! Andy here, writing this in bed with my laptop connected to my mobile data because electricity went out.

Sorry for the late update, I ran out of excuse why I was late this time. I just couldn't finish it early. But no worries, next update won't be late. Promise. I also noticed that I always start the monthly report with "Good timezone" and "Sorry." LOL.

Anyway, before the unpolished update post, like usual, here's what we've accomplished this month.

  • Gil's Day 8 [Patreon]  |  Parker's Day 8 [Public]

Well, you know the drill, it's the reason I'm writing this post.

It feels like forever since I saw Coach Gil with his CAP (NOT COP!!!) garb.

  • A new BG has been added

We actually have another BG being worked on, but it's still a rough sketch.

Fun fact: this one took a while since we were struggling to get the park to look right.

  • General Day 1 and Day 2 Edits, expressions included.

It's nothing major, but it's also required to play if you want to advance Gil's day 8, I'm sorry about that. You can hold CTRL or toggle the skip button on Android if you want to skip the whole thing. It'll stop skipping until the new dialogues and variables. More details in the next section(s).

  • Expressions added to Gil's Day 2-7

There was a LOT to do for this one, but I managed to pull it off. It took me five days. Also, the beach assets are finally used/fixed on Gil's day 7.

Finally. It was tiring to put them all in a single update.

  • New characters added

This time, we feature not one but TWO new characters. The first one is Logan McGrath from the Big Pack, and the other one is the 7th main character. They are both introduced on Gil's day 8, also day 1 for the 7th main character. 

Sadly, we don't have the asset yet for our 7th main, so enjoy a black block with "Main_7 / Placeholder" written on it. We have Logan's though! (Logan's introduction on Patreon, along with the expressions will be added upon release of Polished update.)

While we will have our own music sometime in the future, hopefully next year, we keep adding new music to the VN for now. 

We'll keep some of the royalty-free ones, but most of them will be gone in the future.

  • New transitions and animations

After playing along with renpy's ATL and transitions, some of the scenes have been reworked, hence the edits and stuff. I initially planned to use Live2D to animate the characters, but I feel like it's gonna take a long time, and I have little knowledge on how to manipulate them on Renpy and making the rig itself on Live2D. But maybe it'll change in the future, who knows?

It's not much, but hey, at least it'll make the scene look alive...

  • Expressions pop-ups

They will be animated, a short one, of course; this update has been about animations and transitions, now that I think about it. It's still not implemented fully, some of the old ones will still appear in the VN, but it'll change eventually.

And this one won't cause that weird bug where they will get stuck on the screen while pressing the skip button!

I think that's all I can remember, I lost some of the files that I used to keep track of the progress due to a power surge. I'll update it when I remember something! The unpolished update should be up soon.

Also here, have some concept art doodles that might make themselves to the game, while these sketches are drawn by me, the finalized art later won't be.

Thanks for reading!




Oh my god this is getting so good! So happy to be staying up tonight with this now~ <3


Well, however, you keep a good tendency to start posts with the words "Good timezone" and "sorry". Inspirational words)) Still, you're making great progress! Keep it up!


You are working so hard! It's really showing with this update! Thank you so much!


I wonder who is the sixth main character?Tora?


Can I ask


This update is 0.8.40?