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Hey everyone, Andy here! I'm here to tell you guys in advance that there will be no usual update in December, instead, we're going to release a special update that is exclusive to Patreon since I won't be able to work on After Class like usual during December.

While we already have drafts ready, we still need your help on deciding who we're going to include in the special update. It's gonna feature a full-length (4000-6000 lines), new backgrounds and possible character assets, and SFW and/or NSFW CG of (near-future) Walter x Poll character. (I feel like I know who it is going to be, but...)

We can't include all character CG here because we already have an excessive backlog as is, but we still want to give you guys something neat.

Here's what our plan gonna be for the rest of the year:

  • September: Gil Day 8
  • October: Anders Day 8
  • November: Anders Episode 1
  • December: Special Christmas Episode

For January until March, we're planning on finishing the rest of episodes, but that might change, we'll see.

I'll check back in a month to see who's going to have the second highest votes, then I'll pick either of these two, and we'll start working on it.

Poll will end in a month, post will be unlocked for all patrons at the same day. 

10/01/2021 | 12:00AM @ GMT+7

Thanks for reading!



I know Mark is kind of an ass but he has grown on me.