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Good timezone, friends! Andy here, kicking and posting updates in the bed.

Sorry for the lack of update, getting the vaccine shot have been a trip and I've been sick for almost a week. I could go on and on complaining about which part of my body that isn't sore right now, but I digress, let's get into the monthly report.

tl;dr: Replay Mark's route, Mark's day 8 will be added next month, new Big Pack character has been added.

Note: There are gonna be a few "Exception: Screen indicator is not known." errors, you can safely ignore it.

  • Slightly edited day 1:

It's crazy that day 1 was about to turn 3 years old or maybe more...I don't keep track of it, I've been enjoying writing AfCl without thinking too much about when I first started; so I did a slight change to how I write a few things, and to prepare for the big changes later on featuring two new main characters.

  • New variables for Mark's day 3 and 7:

There are a few new variables in day 3 and it's important. I can't put details here since it'll spoil day 8 and so on. There's also favor points change in day 7!

Appropriate screenshot.jpg not found, it contains spoilers, have a new BG instead.

  • Mark's day 7 part 2:

I know everyone said that it's okay if I take my time, but I still feel bad for taking Patreon pledges without giving any kind of content, so I did my best providing a preview for Mark's day 7 part 2. It's reaaaallly unpolished, no music, no CG (there's gonna be one), and no character showing up... I had no time to get up on my PC to playtest it, so please enjoy it as is. Everything will be fixed once day 8 is rolling, hopefully!

  • Expressions have been added to all characters in Mark's route:

Finally! All of Mark's route, except for day 3 for some reason have this update, I might have missed some because I did all of these in my bed without play testing but I'll keep my eyes peeled for missed lines. There are a few exceptions though, mainly for side characters, we still haven't the assets. 

  • Beach assets have been implemented in Mark's day 7:

They are wearing their appropriate clothes now, and you get to see Lars in his briefs. Life is good. Some assets will appear incorrectly since it's a common route instead of a specific one, it'll be changed sometime soon!

  • New scenario featuring Rook has been added in Mark's route:

He's so lovable, please show some love. There was something funny from the development standpoint, and I'll quote it here:

I think we have a new body type. -w
We certainly do, and thank goodness for that. -a

Real conversation between Wolgen and me. Side note: I had to change the side image code because of his Antlers, about time.

  • Removal of weather indicator:

It was there to help me keep track of what's happening in game, but now I have a better way to do it, I removed it.

  • Gallery screen has been edited:

The old one was really nice, but it didn't quite fit the theme, so I removed it and replaced it. It's still only a draft, but it'll be revamped once I have the assets.

  • Expression bubble has been replaced:

You know the few times it pops up and then it won't go away? Yes! Me too.

Some of it has been changed and it'll go away now...but only the new ones! So far, we have the cobweb, question mark, blushing, and sweat bubbles. I'll start changing the other ones when I can! 

It's animated! And sometimes will appear on our protagonist! (I might need to move it a bit to the right though...)

Well, that's all we have for now! The build for patrons should be up pretty soon, and there's no new update for public version, I apologize.

Thanks for reading!




Looks great! Make sure you make some time to take care of yourself 😊💖