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It's me, Rex Mundane, back at it again with another Anders update~  

Happy Halloween, everyone! I say that even though the scariest thing this year is the risk of infection...remember to keep washing your hands, washing your faces, washing your masks, just wash everything XD

As you guys should know by now (or if you don't), this update marks the start of After Class's hiatus. This is NOT the project stopping permanently, let me make that very, very clear. We just need some time off for some healing and to deal with our personal lives.  

For the update itself, there's some good news and some bad news.  The bad news comes first: it turns out I'm still a very inexperienced coder, and a lot of stuff had to be changed before this became upload-ready x.x As a result, you will need to replay Day 6 so that any variations you come across in the story will be registered correctly in your playthru (remember that you can skip dialogue that's been read already!). Or if you haven't played his route before, then no worries, just play it like normal.  

The good news is that Day 7 is MUCH simpler than Day 6, so the only thing any of you need to concern yourselves with for getting the 'best' outcome is whether or not you get a certain scene at the end of Day 6. You'll know what it is if you've seen it, it stands out! The other good news is that Andy wrote some very good and important scenes for this update, I'd be screwed without his help x)  

You'll also see some [unfinished] new assets in the game, so look forward to that. You guys have a great November: drink lots of water, get exercise if you can, and we'll be back when we're ready!

Link: itch.io | Instructions 




Neat! Thank you, Rex!


I tried everything, still not sure if I've seen the scene on day 6 .

Rex Mundane

My opinion is that you'll definitely know it if you've seen it; the mood for how the night ends changes because of it. I can't say much else without spoiling things, hope you find it!


Can you spoil some for me, I've been trying for HOURS T_T

Rex Mundane

I can, but not here. If you have Discord or something, you can DM me


Ah, I loved this one. It was nice and very deep. Anders has to be my favorite. Still at a lost for the scene. But just means I can enjoy it all over again. Amazing work as always! Have a nice break Everyone!

Rex Mundane

Not to give anything away as far as getting the scene, but if you change some decisions on Day 4, you might just discover something~


Ahh, I see. Thank you kindly for that piece of info. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you once more.


I really can't tell if I've gotten the Day 6 scene or not. I'm almost certain I got most, if not all, the possible Like points by the end of Day 6. Are my expectations too high and I do have it? But it just keeps hinting that I might have missed something.