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Hey everyone! Rex Mundane here, the elusive co-dev, making a post this time.

I don't like beating around the bush, so I'll make this plain: andeh has recently needed medical attention for reasons he doesn't wish to disclose to the public. No need to worry, he'll be fine, but that does mean that this update is only 90% done. Usually, I make edits and suggestions for the text, he looks over those, and we discuss. But since he's resting for now, he can't work on this project as efficiently until he doesn't need to be monitored anymore. As such, the Patron list won't be updated yet, either. andeh gives his sincerest apologies for the delay, it just couldn't be helped. Please be patient just a little longer ;w;

He also wanted me to tell you guys that he'll work on Mark's Day 7 as much as he's able. So dedicated~

Hope you guys enjoy the update!


password: sickburr0703



I hope he gets better soon. I'm worried😰


Acknowledge you guys stay safe and stay healthy tho. 👍


Take all the time you need to rest and recover! Be safe and stay healthy


All the best to Andeh, and wishing him speedy recovery....He needs to make sure the is healthy, then he can work on AC all he wants. :)


Oh my, I hope that nothing is nothing bad >.<


Thank you for all of your hard work Andeh. Please take your time to focus on your recovery. <3


Hope everything is going okay Andeh, thank you for your hardwork and I wish for a good recovery for you!


I'm so glad that there's nothing wrong. Hope everything will be okey.

