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Ahhh, I forgot to write the monthly report, I'm sorry!!


  • Completion of Gil day 7.

I wonder what's happening here.

  • New system: timed choice

The timer's down there! Not his crotch!! But that little turquoise bar! Maybe focus on the timer instead of staring at Coach Gil. Also, don't you think it adds little depth to the gameplay? Or maybe a little bit sense of rush.

  • Modified "About" screen.

It's edited to reflect the newer UI of the game, there's not a lot of things that got changed, but it's here, regardless.

  • Waterfront bus stop BG finalization by Vui.

Damn that looks good, and slightly nostalgic.

  • Bus BG edited by Vui.

It's just a color fix, so there's no need to put a visual representation here.

  • Added a vanilla mode in option screen.

What does Vanilla Mode mean, you ask? It's basically a safe for work version of After Class, for people who prefer the story without getting hard and bothered. Although, it's not my priority for the time being, so it doesn't do anything, for now.

  • Parker day 7 is in the works.

Error: Image not found because contain spoilers.



Louie Drew

Parker day 7 is on the work ? Can’t Wait !!!


Yayy Parker Day 7 so excited 😆😆


About time. I'm craving for a bear hug!


Sending the guys to Waterfront was a great idea! It felt so nostalgic. I only wish... you know... that tiger guy from the village wasn't so sad. It broke my heart seeing him like that after all the good times he gave us in his game. Can't Walter just adopt him and bring him to the city?


Is the day 7 a collab with Stormsinger Studios and Frostclaw?


No, it's not. It's more related to the original Morenatsu project rather than Homecoming.


Alright, it's just that I didn't expect to see Tora in this game. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Also, you're doing a great job with the game. Keep up the good work!

Kevin Micus

So ,didn't Tora in this background of this story end up living with にしむら?(By the way ,the expression of the characters is really good!)