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Goooood evening, everyone! andeh here. (I'm feeling pretty bad right now so I'm making a fun sounding intro to cheer myself up.) 

Rex has finished writing two days ago (man, I wish I could write that fast and not contemplate every time I work on it...) Anyway, we've checked...well, saying that we've checked the script files would be a lie, but we've skimmed through it and made sure it's playable for everyone, and it's up for download.

There might not a lot of new things in this update other than Anders day 6, but I'll list it here like usual.

  • Anders day 2 and 5 have been edited.

They are nothing too new, mostly just better writing and some little changes.

  • Anders day 6.

Well, that's the point of this update.

  • Emotion sprites for Lars and Mark!!

Finally! It's here! ...But even so, we haven't implemented it since we were rushing to get it done, we didn't have time to tweak the sprites.

  • Anders Day 6 variable error fix.
  • Some typo error fix.

...Yep, that's it. Really underwhelming compared to the previous updates, innit? That can't be helped, I haven't touched the game that much since I'm (supposedly) taking a break.


I want to tell you guys that things haven't been really good on my end. I planned to take month-long break, but something happened that I have to go work and hopefully I won't starve to death. Rex has helped me some with it, but it wasn't enough to cover everything.

If things work out, I'll get day 7 up and working next month, but if it wasn't, you guys will have to wait until the end of May...yikes! But if I want to be honest with myself, I don't think I'll be able to pull it off. So I'm just putting in here just in case I don't post anything next month.

I'm really scared that I caught it because I've been having dry cough and even breathing hurts my chest area. Our situation here isn't the worst, but doctor are too busy with the actual patients that they don't/can't check up on us.  

Several weeks ago, we had to be moved away temporarily because our neighbor had it, and they were disinfecting our building. Several days after our initial move, our neighbor passed away and it has been a traumatic experience for us and their family. Not only we couldn't do a proper burial, we weren't allowed to check up on them.

Enough of that, but I genuinely hope you guys are managing with this COVID-19 outbreak. Please keep your loved ones safe, and practice social distancing!

Bonus, because I can't go out to get my hair cut:

Well, having long hair was nice, but it's getting annoying so I wanted to trim it short.

...I didn't have the courage to do it, so I asked my mom to help me with it.

--- END RANT ---

How to apply the fix to the game:

  • Download the main files and extract them:

Main link: Dropbox | Password: 0650cleanhandsbull

  • Download and replace the script.rpy from 0.6.50 game directory folder with this one:

Update link: Dropbox | password: 0651coolprojectbull

  • If you got it right, the game version will change to 0.6.51a

Thanks for reading!




take good care of yourself!


I know there's not a lot I can directly do for you, but know you're in my thoughts. Take care of yourself, that's the most important thing. This project can be put on hold, your health can not.


Stay safe andeh!


andeh i know u seen a lot of 'take care of yourself' comments so i wont say that to u, but i hope everything will go well in your end, love ya andeh. Btw happy belated april fools :>


oh my god i can't wait to see the emtion on them hopfully soon they look so fucking fantastic. Also on a sidenote calm down take a deep breath i know how you feel i have not maybe corona but i work in the hospital and i am confornte everyday well not rigth now since i am on sick leave since my psych is down the drain and my hormonw are total chaos as well but the only thing we can do to keep doing and work for getting better, So hang in there i belive in you.


I'm a little late to this but hope you really stay safe! (and your haircut really isn't that bad either ahaha)


andeh, you are in my thoughts too! I hope you stay safe and that everything will work out. ^^ I do look forward to updates, true...but your well being is more important and more so since we are friends. :) (also, don't worry too much about your haircut...xP I think it looks alright. ^^)