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Good afternoon everyone, Andy here! 

Like usual, we've been editing the previous days (mainly day 2 and day 3) because the old ones were awkwardly written. 

Since we're doing a lot of rewrites, there would be a lot of inconsistencies toward the next days. If there are some, please let us know in our Discord and we'll review it!

Anyway, 0.6.32p is uploaded and we're ready to share with you guys, here are some of the highlights:

  • Gil day 2 has been edited. Revisit his revamped day 2 now with slightly better plot but the same lecherous Gil we all know!
  • Screen UI has been edited, mainly [Day Indicator] and [Weather Indicator]. Thanks to the new file naming, a lot of them will be shown as an error/nothing. Please don't write an error report of it since I'm fixing it as I write this post/
  • Day 1 CG has been added. Remember that sketch where our lovely MC is late to school? Now it's done by Wolgen.
  • French and Chinese UI have been brought back. Also a bonus: the prologue scene has been translated to Chinese! There will be a lot of awkward sentences because it's still in beta... 
Thanks to Nekojishi_LinHu, FloofieJon, kgMori, KollBestBoi, Louis Tan( 家礼 ),  and だんご星 (dango) for the Chinese UI and prologue translations and Bharwyss, Danky, and Jake for the French UI translations.

I think that's all I can think of, see you guys in the game.

Link: Dropbox | Password: 0632newgil

Thanks for reading!




My dear Gil here I come :D


Shhh, don't announce it out loud or they will come after you...


This time i wont fall behind an update XD


Also Uros, you have to share XP


Thank you for the hard work andeh


Any idea when Gil's Day 6 will be done?

Rex Mundane

andeh came down with an illness not too long ago, so Gil's Day 6 has been delayed until he's well enough to work on it. He'll be fine, he just needs rest right now. Sorry for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience!


Send Andeh my hugs!!


We really need Chinese, after all, only a few Chinese with good English. And it's good for the promotion of the game in China, because many people are looking forward to Chinese