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Greetings, everyone, Andy here! We've finally gotten Parker's other set and with that, I've added some changes here and there, mainly Parker's character sprites, error fixes, and typo fixes. Important: It's mandatory to start a new file this time due to new Parker's day 3-day 5 changes or you won't be able to get desired outcome of the game.

Here's the detailed changes:

  • Several typo errors have been fixed:
Boy, we have a LOT of typos in this game, both the editor and I are working so hard to fix them, and it's been easier after you guys helped us with it on our Discord server!
  • Anders day 2 errors have been fixed.
Some misc errors have been fixed, and you should be able to see things properly now.
  • Parker's route has been updated.
Parker's route has so many inconsistencies, and we've fixed most of them. If I missed some, don't hesitate to report to us on Discord!
  • Weird music loop has been fixed.
There are cases of music not looping, wrong start point, and cut out music-and we have fixed 'em all!
  • Abbadon, can you not give me another typo?
I think this one is self-explanatory...
  • Old sprites have been deleted.
Ah, memories... I liked the old sprites because it's my first drawings, but I also dislike it because I'm insecure af, so I deleted 'em.
  • Parker Set 2 has been added.
It includes shirtless Parker!
  • Gallery has been slightly edited.
BG gallery is being purged! You'll only see 4 images in there because we decided to put our original BG only! It'll be added once we have more original assets!
  • New CG has been added.
One new CG in the "other" tab has been added, it's nothing too major and still a WIP for now.
  • Patron list updated (December 2nd, 2019)
There are new Patrons right after I uploaded the game, so I apologize if you don't make it into the list!
  • Option page has been edited slightly to include more translation options.
We plan to add translations... a lot of translations, and we might be looking for community translations! More details below.

And with that, we have plans in 2020!

Haaaah, can't believe 2019 is ending, feels like it was just started yesterday! A lot has happened and we still have a lot planned in the future!

  • Wolgen and I have been discussing about the merch design and sometime around Q1 of 2020, the merch might be available; and then we'll discuss about keychains so we can distribute them to the Lewd Dogs!
  • We'll start getting expressions! It's been a while but I think it's time we make it happen--in 2020!
  • I have a good news, and bad news at the same time: I'm going back to school in August and things might be slightly slow from there; but don't worry, I'll still have this project in my priority list...just below my school schedule. The good thing is, my sis attends the same school as me so she can help me with school stuff!
  • We might add more CGs from various artists in the future, but Wolgen will still be our artist for main story CGs!
  • Side characters will get their sprites reworked by Wolgen.
  • Hopefully we can start the last tier raffle no later than Q2 2020.

A little bit more info about translations:

We're thinking of adding translations of Prologue and day 1 of the game; but as of now, we don't have any translations team, nor we have the funds to afford translators. Even so, if you're interested in translating prologue and/or day 1 to your own language, just mention me on Discord, and we'll give you the script.
But of course, being a community translation, I can't verify that the translation is accurate with what I've written in English; but we'll properly credit you for the translations and add it to the game once we're able to verify them.
We're mainly looking for Traditional Chinese and Japanese translations right now.

and oh, here's a rough spreadsheet of art commission schedule, it'll change over time, though.

Link: Dropbox | Password: chillparker0612

*Previous Dropbox links (0.6.10, 0.6.11) have expired, and it's advised to download this version.

Thanks for reading!




Cant wait to buy merch


but in Parker day 3, only the script change no ?


We changed some and added variables to keep track of the outcome of the next days


Thank you for all your work, despite your difficulties. ^^


Gil Gil Gil I NEED MORE GILL!! And Parker lol. You are doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work!