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0.6.11 is out for all Patrons. It includes Android BG error fix, several typo fixes and Episode Parker title screen.

Copied from previous post:

Hey everyone, Andy here! It's been a while since we made progress (I'm sorry...!) but we finally have a real update now! There are a lot of new things in this update, but I'm too tired to list it.

I also got too distracted that I didn't realize it's already November and I totally missed October's monthly report, but I'll make one this month.


  • There's one short scene near the end of the day, and it's recommended to play it again because there are things I've changed in this version that will affect how the next days play out.
  • Fixed music loop problem.
  • Patron list updated.
  • Lars' CG is unlock-able now. Hint: those little icons in the title screen can be clicked. 

Link: Dropbox | Password: andehstilltired0610

Oh I'm also going to FURUM, if you guys are going there, I'd love to see all of you! (don't be disappointed tho, I'm just a smol Asian guy)

We're planning on doing a limited run of AC merch, so if you haven't joined the Discord server, now it's a good time to do so. (How to receive your Discord role.)

I noticed we're reaching 300 patrons soon, thank you so much for your support, everyone. I love you all.

Thanks for reading!




Hi Andy, I still love this game so much, but I will have a question. Why do episodes X, with the characters, to show us how happy they were before, and not focus on the main story? Not that it's too annoying, it's nice to learn a little more about them, but for me, what they experienced if it's not about the MC, it's not super interesting, especially in a game where you play a character, amnesic.


I feel the same way on this. I've been waiting for the story for Lars to continue. I appreciate there being backstory, but I don't want read about his past and end up seeing some kind of past relationship he's had.


To avoid plot holes (and we need more assets to continue with the main story and I'm sure everyone would rather have some filler content that's essential story-wise than no content at all). Plus they aren't happy stories at all.


And oh, you don't have to read it if you don't want to see the characters' past relationships hehe.


It is true, I must admit , bonus content is always nice, and I thank you.^^. This game is really exciting, so I really want to know all. (And no need to read these stories, we understand immediately that the protagonist other than the MC we had history, , it's really obvious.) I like this game and I will continue to support you, and to play there. ;)