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Hey everyone, it's Andy here! We've finally updated the game, the list of changes can be seen here. Fixed the errors, there might be still some more but please don't hesitate to tell me! Sorry, and thanks for waiting!


  • Fixed image render error on Android.
  • Fixed font not found when trying to access the "about" page.

Additional changes:

  • Android font
  • Android Changelog is working now

Link: Dropbox | Password: androidbear0553 

Thanks for reading!




Hello, love the reworks! Strangely, I don't seem to be able to progress past day 5 on the Lars route? If it helps, am playing the PC version and am definitely on v0.5.53


Click on the button (Lars' icon) on main menu, that will take you to Episode Lars (day 6 update)


Just so I am understanding this update correctly, There were a few new lines in episode Lars (the after Gil's shower stuff and the CG) and day 2 for Parker was revamped. Is this correct?


i thought day 6 update was on the Lars' main route,because the Episode Lars didnt have any "day" to begin with.


Yeah, but at the end of the Episode Lars, the usual day counter will come back.


i dont think this update got anything new other than that. Kinda disappointed because the update for a month has only few changes. Well at least the arts are good so i will wait for few more months i guess


Oof, sorry to hear that. Hopefully the next update won't disappoint you. We did say this in previous posts before this one: "After that, we'll halt the day 6 update and focus on shifting the art and cleaning up the game (don't worry, we'll still make updates and work on day 6 behind the scenes)"


dont get me wrong the arts are excellent, the writings are good. I am very much appreciated this game but this update kinda fell down on the contents. Well as i said above i will keep supporting you because the game is overall good, even better than KEMO ( with their update schedule ROFL) so you do you :)


Yeah, it isn't that I am upset, I just am a new patron so I am trying to get a handle on my expectations so I don't get disappointed. That is also why I didn't see the post about halting day 6 updates for a bit to clean up the game.


kinda my fault because i forgot about that post. The game is on the good way i think.


I just recently decided to become a patreon to this, I really like it so far. Though I have encountered an issue on Parker's route. After day 2, any scene taking place in the living room doesn't load and brings up exception errors so I'm unable to view any of the scenes.


Yeah, someone reporter it, thanks! I've fixed it, will upload soonish!