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Good morning (or afternoon or evening depending where you are) everyone, Andy here. 

If you're in the Discord server, you should know about this already. If you're not, then, just giving you all a bit of an update. We've reached the $1,000 goal and hired a BG artist: Vui. It took us a while to find the BG artist tbh, but so glad Vui didn't disappoint! 

We're still making variations of the backgrounds and I still to make sketches of each BGs, so there aren't a lot that we've done at this point, but you might start seeing new background in the next updates.

Here's a pic of how it looks like in-game (we used a low-res version, but don't worry, it'll be a hi-res one in the update):

Pretty neat, huh?


We'll be focusing on polishing the game (adding expressions, more BGs, etc) this month while working on day 6 at the same time, so there will be no major update this month (but who knows, we might surprise you, haha).

And... since there's no more goals...for now, we'll start discussing the last tier where you can help us develop the game. And if us developers agreed on the thing, you'll start seeing the tier (we'll let you know). But don't pledge, yet, you need to fill a form so we can put you into the raffle.


Thanks for reading! 




That looks freaking amazing!!!


i love it