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Starting today, I'll stop drawing the sprites for After Class because we have an artist to draw the in-game characters and the CG!

It took me a while to find someone suitable, but I believe with Wolgen Sim in our project, our lovely character will be even more... lovelier.

He's an amazing artist, it's an honor that I was able to ask him to be the main artists for the VN, I was sweating a lot when he replied to my inbox, actually.

I asked whether if he want to say anything here, he just said:

Wolgen: "Not really for now xD"

I noticed that he says 'okays' instead of 'okay' so I'll put that to the title.

Here's some of the art made by Wolgen Sim

Give him some love by following him on Twitter!

Thanks for reading!




Can’t wait :3 coach is gonna look so hot in his style too unf ^^


Looks like some really exciting changes! Looking forward to it.

North Grizz

He has some good art there. Looking forward to the new sprites but I'll make sure to keep an older version on my computer anyway. :)


Oooo how exciting his artwork looks so nice can’t wait to see how he’s gonna draw all the husbandos and Walter I hope that with his help that your project will look and feel exactly the way you want it to good luck to you and your team can’t wait to see and hear more Andy!

Hyou Vizer

Holy shit, major congrats man! They're one of my fav artists hot damn. Not that i didn't love your own art sprites mind you but still such a great addition to then game they'll be :D

Hyou Vizer

Oh great idea, we'll all keep older version of the game with Andy's art sprites 💖


I mean I really liked the old artstyle of your novel, but this seems like it will unload some of the work from you and let you focus on writing, whole leaving the drawing to a professional. Overall I think it's a step I the good direction for the novel and I'm stoked to see the renewed art. Good luck!


I think this is definitely a step in the right direction. As much as I like the current art (ditto on keeping an old version of the game for posterity), having someone on board to handle artwork takes that load off of you, letting you focus on writing and code. As far as artists go, I fully approve of who you got. I've been watching their stuff for a while now, and I'm sure the characters will look great. One thing I've seen elsewhere is an in-game art gallery of old sprites/scenes, which could be a good way for you to preserve the work you put into creating the existing sprites. It would be a shame to have them just disappear.


Good decision, splitting the work means faster progress and I'll be honest- love the art work he has on twitter.


i'll definitely save the old artwork. i mean, i spent sleepless nights to make them.


they may not be the best, but they are the most precious to me


Exciting news!

Kazma Cono

Let me download the older version on my phone and get the new update on my computer cus I love your art style so I shall keep it as a memento