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Okay first of all, let me express my confusion because it's already March, like what the actual fuck??

tl;dr: Because I'm sad and busy, update will be delayed. Still gonna upload it this month, just not sure when.


Hey everyone, Andy Peng here. Sorry that I posted Announcement (again) instead of Mark's Day 4 here.

Just wanted to share a little thing with you guys. I honestly didn't realize that it's already 1st of March until 12AM, earlier.

I don't want to make this as an excuse but I can't help it. My life's... well, my mental stability is at its lowest recently. I've been trying to write but I couldn't find the motivation to do so.

My internet's been dead since 21st Feb, and it was hard for me to reach out to anyone, since I'm on limited, slow mobile data.

Yesterday, my depression was peaking and I asked some of my friends to hang out with me because I wanted to rant, none of them really cared. One said I needed to chill and stay at my room (which is what I've been doing 24/7, so I needed a change) and one lied to me that they weren't at home (and they were, I went to their home before I asked, but they told me on phone that they are outside so I decided to go home.)

But thankfully, one girl friend of mine (read: not girlfriend; sorry I have a boyfriend) hung out with me so I feel better.

Anyway, that's not the reason I'm here, just wanted to say that Mark's route will be delayed, not sure when, but I'll definitely finish it sometime this month (I still plan to release 2 routes a month, no worries); I'm currently working on an IRL project. My sister is a teacher, and I'm the sub (not even the good kind; I'm talking about substitute teacher, get your mind out of the gutter) whenever my sis' having difficulty with her life. 

That's not all, I live in the same building with some kind of... let's say religious group. I don't really want to be involved with it, but I live in the same building (I live in a temple, basically), so I had to attend them. Not to mention my parents want me to go, couldn't really decline or else I'll be fried.

That said, I haven't been abandoning the project, I promise. I've done like... half of Mark's day 4 and some minor changes. I'm not going to give you guys all bad news so here's some changes (think of it as a sneak peek):

I added a new music... well, cameo music. I wanted to ask for permission, but AFAIK the original team of Morenatsu is dead; although the music composer is still sorta alive? I have some kind of plans for the future updates, so I'm putting it there temporarily. (Plus I wanted to show the nice hover effect, will delete when the original team want me to delete it.)

Several new tips have been added to the title screen. It's not about the content, it's about the ~tip~. Because, please tip, we need the tip, please be generous when tipping (exception apply).

Just realized changelog doesn't work on Android (not sure about Mac, please tell me, Mac users), so... don't try to open Changelog on Android, for now.

"New month, new me." No this is not the 10 years challenge. It's only been like, 6 months.

V1 > V4, might make some changes. 

Time and weather indicator? Yassss.

Texting textbox has been updated (Name box and quick menu box are affected now, tho the quick menu box still needs some coding work because... well reasons.)

Oh, you wondered what's up with the weird color in the textbox?

Each character has their own textbox now~

Nnghhh, finally! Now I know what game I've been playing when the next day comes.

Ah, finally done writing here, I think that's all the important changes I needed to point out.

I need to leave now, see you around, and once again, I'm sorry,

Thanks for reading!



Davy Bogaerts

Don't worry about the delay. Self care comes before everything ♥

North Grizz

Always look after yourself first. You're not going to do your best work if you're pushing yourself to do it and ignoring your health. You're more important than the VN. I like the changes you've made by the way.


I wish I could lend you a hand (thats what we say around here, translation makes it sound weird xD!) But probably Spain is far away from were you are :( Anyways, don't worry about it, life comes first, best of luck 😘


Hey don’t worry about being delayed it’s fine you and your personal life should come first Andy you’re what’s more important okay and also btw I’m a Mac user and if you want next update I can see if change log works on Mac or not but anyways yeah can’t wait till next update take care of yourself till then Andy 😁🤗


Andy doesn't have to worry about the delay. You have to take care of yourself first. When you're ready, you can come back anytime. Because I and others Will wait for you to come back No matter how long we will wait, Andy (P.S I see the post Many days ago But I am afraid to use the wrong words and do not dare to send to you. Hope you and others will understand.)😃😃😃