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It's happening! Writing Gil's route was really fun. Since this is the unpolished demo, the dialogue might change in the future.

There's no major changes other than Anders getting his V3 and all side profiles have updated to match their V3 front view. (Main Character's not included.)

How to install the new update:

  • Make sure your After Class version is v.0.2.32 or higher
  • Extract the files inside the .rar into the After Class' \game folder (Windows) or AfterClass.app\Contents\Resources\autorun\game (Mac). 
  • You'll be asked to replace or skip files, select replace instead of skip.
  • If you did everything correctly, you will see the window name changes to v0.2.40b

I can't test mac version so I'm not sure if it'll work.

Important: Always start a new file instead of loading old one to avoid bugs and errors. You can press CTRL to skip the dialogue.

Download it here.
And this should fix the "could not find label gil_day2" error. (Replace the old scripts.rpa with newer one.)

And don't worry about this part, it's just because the file was bigger than google could scan. It won't harm your computer.

Thanks for reading!

Andy Peng.



getting an error "scripterror: could not find label gil_day2" on gil's route. i think uploading a full demo rather than just a patch every time you make an update would potentially leave us with less bugs


Ah, that is an easy fix. But yeah, I'm thinking of switching back to the full demo, but we'll see.