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Hey guys! Since I had days off from school (thanks national holidays!) I got a lot of stuff done. I planned this to be v0.1.30, but this one is too major for 0.1.30 so this one will be 0.2.21.

Here goes, this will be a long one:

  • We're going to have a major GUI changes. Text box, day indicator, game menu... you name it!

Old text box:

New text box:

  • Quick menu is now a part of text box now, and I added one (probably will be useful in the future) button-the hide UI button. Who knows you might want to stare at the character's bulg- ahem scenery but the ~new~ text-box is getting in the way.

Old quick menu:

New quick menu:

  • Finally, the character menu code is finished! So I'll add the Character menu screen! You can review the characters in the game. From main characters to sub characters. (You'll get to see how our protagonist looks like from the front, but it won't be this update.)

(Please note it's only a placeholder because it'll look empty without the placeholder. And yes, his initial name is Walter, just in case you guys are wondering.)

  • Notification for character screen changes, the description page of character screen will change over time, depending on your choices! (It will also play a sound when there's a change in the character screen).

  • Game menu (and its sub category like save game, load game, etc) are changed, from the text only game menu to well, slightly less boring menu. Imagebuttons cough cough.

It's also animated!

  • Last but not least, overall game progress! It was originally going to be in the game menu screen, but I couldn't get it to work properly. So, uh... I put it to the main menu, inside the about screen.

Your name will be listed in the about screen too!

The crew will receive new front view and side view images, I already have rough sketches of them but it's gonna take a long time.

That's all of the noticeable changes, see ya in a bit and thank you very much for supporting me! <3

- Andy Peng


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