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Public update is ready for download! The update for patrons is now out! Link and password will be deleted at the end of the month.

IMPORTANT: New files that fixes an error has been uploaded. If you still have the old files, please redownload them or replace the script files inside the "Samuel Fix" folder if you know how to.


if you're not a member of our Discord server, please head there since we put a lot more development stuff along with extra things there.

Even if you don't want to interact, just mute it and forget that it exists. The server has moderation, and you won't see naked things out of nowhere, I promise!


To see what's changed, refer to the Monthly Report

I'll still put the links to the recent update here for now, but I'll discontinue the link and password at the end of the month.

Link: G11-P2

Password: 01162g11p2


Next up will be Gil Day 11 - Part 3. The last part of Gil update. Once that's done, we'll start with Lars Day 12!

Thanks for reading!



Xhris White

I tried the link the first time when I first started the membership on patreon it took me to installed the dropbox app I dif that went to the link again and use the passwords I don't know if I have to save or extract so I tried the save first it didn't do any update on the game then I tried the extract and it didn't do any updates for the game either so I don't if I'm doing something wrong or it refuses to do the update but I did installed the game on itch.io and it is linked to patreon

Xhris White

But question is does this update work without going to the link and password if someone that has patreon membership got the game and its linked from their patreon?


I think I mentioned that due to an integration problem with itch.io, I have stopped updating the app there, so the only way to get the update is through Dropbox link. If you click on the G11-P2 link there, you'll be taken to a page where it asks you to input a password. There's no need to download or login to the dropbox site, once you have put in the password, you'll see three files and one folder containing the fix. You download one of the files (depends on which platform you use, then find it in your download folder and extract that to a new folder.)