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Good timezones, everyone, Andy here. I've just gotten home and has been sleep deprived for a while, so I apologize if I seem to be repeating myself and appear incoherent at times.

I've only noticed now that I haven't posted anything on Patreon since February, but I assure you guys that I'm still working on the project as fast as I could afford at the moment. There are many things to go over, and I'll try to cover it with as little reading as possible, haha!

tl;dr: my brother was in critical condition, had to resign from work. If you're a patron of March and April, please message me on Discord once the update is out, that way, I can send the link and password for you. 


First off, the project is going well--as well as it can be, situation permitting. It just looked like there was almost no activity here because most of the updates and news are being put on Discord. I'll start posting on Patreon regularly from now on, I promise!

There is an actual reason for the lack of activity on Itch, Patreon and Discord, and that is because I'd gotten really sick in March for almost three weeks, not too long after uploading Gil Day 11 part 1.

Heading into April, I had to fly back home due to my brother getting hospitalized and needed immediate and urgent care.


Initially, I had planned to put the page on pause indefinitely since last month until my brother's condition improved so I could focus on getting him better. But after several weeks, he hadn't gotten any better, and I ended up resigning from work to take care of him full-time.

My brother wasn't insured, so the med and hospital bills quickly stacked up in an alarming rate. With no main source of income, I loaned a lot of money and ended up having many debts here and there.

That is why I left the page running despite not delivering updates since March. It's for a selfish reason, and I really, really apologize for that, but I'm also eternally grateful for your guys' continued support. I'll work harder to deliver updates from now on.


That aside, the development of Gil's route is steady, time permitting. I have finished two out of three branches of the story, and it'll be done within foreseeable future.

Thought I'd let you guys know what we've been working on behind the scenes:

Logo / TBD:

With Patreon's rebranding (and the drama surrounding the platform in general), I've decided to give some of the game assets a new look. Some of these are still a placeholder and will be updated in the future.

Logo / After Class:

The game logo itself is not a finished design. The change isn't something I did on a whim; it's something I've wanted to do since the 4th anniversary but only managed to do it now.

You might get an inverted color for the logo. Don't worry, it's normal.

Title Screen / Mark:

We've started working on a new title screen, it'll be displayed if you're on Mark's route.

I'm trying to capture Mark's state-of-mind during the story through the title screen, I hope it comes across with the finished image.

Side Image / Gil:

Aside of that, Ven has finished Gil's side image for Gil. We tried our best to be faithful the source material, so it doesn't look as jarring as the old one. I hope everyone likes it!

Side Image / Edgar:

Next up is Edgar. As he's starting to be more relevant and will be appearing often in future updates, we prioritized his side images. Ven came up with two initial sketches, but I eventually asked him for a finger gun pose to express him better.

And here's what we get! I really dig it. Although he looks a bit chubbier, so that will need more adjustments.

Character Sprite / Gordon:

"Wave," says Gordon. Our panda resident now has a character sprite. He's quite the hunk, I can't show his full image here because this is a public post......

Game Mechanics / Stamps:

It's not really mechanics and more like an extra fun stuff. One of these will be unlocked soon, and it's going to be stamps. What do stamps do, you ask? I can't tell you yet. Please look forward to it!


There are many additions and changes that I can't put here due to spoiler reasons, technical reasons and/or they are not significant enough to be highlighted such as adjustment to side images, renpy sync implementation, and etc.

One notable change is that we've reduced file size by a hundred of megabytes, I'll try to trim a lot more without compromising the quality of the assets. I think that's all for now. I thank you for reading this post.

Once again, I'm sorry for the delay, I'll make sure to make up for the lost updates so that we can see more of the story this year.


Download link (will be added once it's ready)

Public (Itch) | Gil Day 11 Part 2 (Patreon post)


Thanks for reading!



Don't stress, Andy! Prioritize yourself and your family above all else; everything else will fall into place. Sending healing energy your way, and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for your brother! Remember to take breaks and get plenty of rest. Having cared for my Dad, I understand how draining it can be, so please prioritize your well-being. Your brother surely appreciates everything you're doing for him, and thanks for keeping us updated! Sending an abundance of positive vibes for healing your way!

North Grizz

You're doing a good thing by taking care of your brother, andeh. If you had paused the page and then told us what was going on I would have tracked you down to throw money at you instead :) If you're not healthy and in a good place mentally then you can't work on the novel, so the patreon money is supporting After Class. I hope your brother does recover soon, it must be hard on both of you. Look after yourself as well!


Ahhhh can't wait


Don't get stress andy and always take care of yourself. We are always here to support you.