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11: Girl Talk

Allison entered the girls' sauna, a swathe of steam billowing out as she opened the door. She found Zephyr already inside, lounging on a wooden bench, her bare skin glistening with a light sheen of perspiration.

Zephyr smiled at the sight of her friend. "Hey, Alli. Come and join me. It's been a while since we had some girl time."

Allison obliged, shedding her robe and hanging it on a hook. She sat down, her long brown hair falling over her shoulders, the heat causing a few tendrils to curl. "Commander Stone is certainly putting us through our paces."

"Mmm." Zephyr closed her eyes, savouring the warmth. "It's definitely taking some getting used to. Especially with all the other distractions around here."

Allison nodded, understanding all too well the temptations that lurked within the Fortress of Justice. Her encounters with Bullseye were never far from her mind. "It's not easy being a sidekick, is it?"

"Not when there are so many fit heroes running around." Zephyr sighed contentedly, her hand unconsciously drifting to her neck, where a faint love bite was starting to bruise. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Jetstream, but I can't deny the appeal of a bit of variety."

Allison bit her lip, her curiosity getting the better of her. "So, Zoe... I've been meaning to ask..."

"Ask me anything, Alli," Zephyr said, her eyes still closed. "We're partners, remember?"

Allison paused, choosing her words carefully. "What's it like... you know... being intimate with someone who has powers?"

Zephyr's eyes snapped open, a mischievous glint shining through the haze of sweat and steam. "Oh, Alli, you have no idea."

"Enlighten me, then." Allison leaned forward, her interest piqued. "I mean, Mark is great, but it's not like he can do anything special in the bedroom."

Zephyr's smile widened, her vivid green eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, imagine if he could control the wind, like I can. Or move things with his mind, like you. The possibilities are endless."

"Give me an example," Allison pressed, intrigued by the notion.

Zephyr's cheeks flushed a delicate pink. "Okay, so when Jetstream and I are... you know... in the moment, he can use his super-speed to drive me wild."

"How so?" Allison asked, leaning closer, keen for details.

"He can do things with his tongue that would make your toes curl," Zephyr whispered, her eyes flashing with a combination of lust and amusement. "The boy knows how to use his powers to his advantage, let's just say that."

Allison swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry as images flashed through her mind—images of Bullseye and his kinetic powers. "Wow. I guess that's one benefit of being a superhero."

"It certainly adds a whole new dimension to things," Zephyr said, a faraway look in her eye as she recalled some of her more memorable encounters with Jetstream. "And don't even get me started on what it's like flying while doing it."

Allison's eyes widened at the thought. "Okay, now I'm jealous."

Zephyr laughed, a playful, music sound that bounced off the wooden walls of the sauna. "Don't be, Alli. I'm sure Mark has his own unique skills."

"Not quite as exciting as superpowers," Allison admitted, a hint of longing in her voice. "But I guess it's the thought that counts."

"Exactly," Zephyr agreed, reaching over to pat her friend's hand. "And who knows, maybe one day you'll find a superhero of your own who can give you the super-powered experience you crave. I won't judge you."

"That's just it, though." Allison couldn't hide the note of frustration in her voice. "I think I might have already found someone. Someone who makes me feel things I've never experienced before."

Zephyr's eyes widened, and she sat up straighter, all traces of relaxation gone. "What? Who? When?"

"Remember Bullseye?" Allison's cheeks flushed as she spoke. "The flirty archer I told you about the other day?"

Zephyr nodded. "The one who's been chasing you since the day you arrived? What about him?"

Allison paused, gathering her thoughts, unsure of how to explain the complex mix of emotions swirling within her. "It's hard to explain, but there's something about him that gets to me. Every time I'm around him, I feel this pull, this desire I can't quite control."

"Go on," Zephyr prompted, recognising the torn expression on her friend's face.

Allison took a deep breath, the steam clouding around her as she gathered her courage. "Yesterday, we were alone in an alleyway, having just taken down a villain together. He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. But it wasn't just any kiss. He used his powers to enhance the sensation, to make the touch of his lips and hands feel electric."

"Oh my." Zephyr hung on to every word.

"I've never felt anything like it," Allison confessed, her eyes glazing over with the memory. "It was like my entire body was on fire, every nerve ending buzzing with pleasure. But just when I thought I couldn't take any more, he stopped, leaving me wanting more."

"Teasing you, was he?" Zephyr asked, "How mean."

Allison nodded, her lips curling into a frustrated pout. "He said something about teaching me how to really use my powers, and then he walked away, leaving me standing there, trembling with desire."

"The cheek of it!" Zephyr exclaimed, sitting up straighter. "What a way to leave you hanging."

"Tell me about it," Allison groaned, resting her head against the wall, the wood feeling cool against her heated skin. "And the worst part? I keep thinking about it. Fantasising about what it would be like to be with him again, to feel that rush of pleasure."

Zephyr's expression softened, understanding the turmoil her friend was experiencing. "It's only natural, Alli. You're human, after all. And this place, the Fortress of Justice, it brings out something primal in all of us."

"But what about Mark?" Allison asked, the guilt finally breaking through the haze of desire. "I love him, but this whole superhero business is making me question everything."

"Love is complicated," Zephyr said, reaching out to squeeze Allison's hand. "And this life we've chosen is anything but ordinary. But you'll figure it out, Alli. Trust your heart, and your powers, and everything will fall into place. Plus, what Mark doesn't know can't hurt him."

12: Wolf Among Her

Allison walked into her room, her skin refreshed from her time in the sauna, though thoughts of Bullseye kept her mind distracted. As she stepped through the threshold, she found herself facing another distraction—Jake, leaning casually against the wall of her ro.

"Hey," he greeted her, his voice calm and deep. "Your door was unlocked, so I thought I'd let myself in. Hope you don't mind."

"Oh, um, no, it's fine." She'd been so caught up in her fantasies that she'd forgotten to lock her door. "What's up?"

"Commander Stone," he began, his face was serious. "Seems like he's got something interesting planned for your upcoming exam."

Allison's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What do you mean? What did you hear?"

"Not much, but I have a source," Jake crossed his arms. "And they tell me that Stone's planning to make a point during your first exam. He's going to make you run it naked."

Allison's eyes widened in shock. "You're kidding. He can't be serious."

"Afraid so," Jake confirmed, his gaze intense. "Word is, he wants to make sure you are comfortable in your own skin. So he's going to strip you down and make you complete the exam in front of the whole team."

Allison's heart sank as the realisation hit her. "That's horrible. I thought I'd proven myself after the last training session."

"I agree," Jake assured her, "you were strong, maybe he just enjoys the view."

"Thanks for the heads-up," Allison said, a slight blush crossing her face as she sat down on the edge of her bed, the covers still rumpled from her earlier fantasy session. "I guess I'll have to be ready for anything."

She changed the subject, keen to take her mind off the impending humiliation. "So, what's your story, Jake? You're quite the intriguing character yourself."

Jake pushed himself off the wall and took a step closer to her, his presence filling the small room. "Not much to tell. I'm just your average werewolf, trying to control my powers and make a difference in the world." Allison wasn't sure if Jake was trying to be humorous or not.

"Trying to control your powers?" Allison raised an eyebrow. "That's not what it looked like during our training session. You seem to have a pretty good handle on your abilities."

"Well," he shrugged, "I've had some practice. It's not easy being a werewolf, especially when the full moon rolls around. I've had to learn to control the transformation, or it controls me."

Allison nodded, remembering the sheer power she'd witnessed during their sparring match. "It must be tough, but I guess that's what being a sidekick is all about. Learning to master our powers and use them for good."

"Exactly," Jake agreed, his voice surprisingly warm. "It's a constant battle, but worth it when we can make a difference. Like what you did taking down Crimson Crown. That was impressive."

"Yeah," Allison smiled, recalling the adrenaline rush of their battle. "That was good. I felt like I was actually contributing, making an impact. It's what I always dreamed of."

"It suits you," Jake said, his eyes lingering on her. "The whole superhero thing. You look good in that outfit, even if it is a bit revealing."

Allison shifted her body at his compliment. "Thanks, I guess. I'm still getting used to it. But The Outfitter is a bit of a pervert."

"Well, I'm sure your boyfriend appreciates it," Jake smiled for the first time. "Though I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had a girlfriend here and all these horny people trying to crack on to her."

"Oh, Mark and I..." Allison trailed off, a twinge of guilt in her voice. "It's complicated. Especially with all the distractions here." Allison paused, picking at an imaginary thread on the bedsheet. "How about you, Jake? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Me?" Jake scratched his head, his lanky frame appearing almost uncomfortable in its own skin. "Nah, I don't have time for that. I'm just focused on my training."

"How did you get your powers, anyway? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's not like the movies," Jake shrugged, his eyes focused on the ground as if the memory of his transformation bored him. "I was just an average kid, nothing special. Then, on my eighteenth birthday, I woke up feeling different. Stronger. Faster. I could hear and smell things I'd never noticed before. Then, the next full moon, it happened."

"The transformation?" Allison prompted, leaning forward, captivated by his story.

"Yeah," Jake nodded, his eyes taking on a faraway look as he recalled that night. "It was like a rage took over me. I blacked out, and when I woke up, I was naked in an alleyway, covered in scratches and god knows what else. I freaked out, ran home, and locked myself in my room for days until I could figure out what was going on."

"Must've been scary," Allison sympathised.

"It was," he admitted, his voice soft. "But it also felt kind of liberating. I knew I could help people with my power, so I sought out the Justice Vanguard, and here I am."

"I'm glad you're here," Allison said, her voice warm. "You seem like a good guy, and it's nice to have someone looking out for me."

Allison's interest in Jake's powers emboldened him. "You know, werewolf transformations are pretty wild. It's like every sense is heightened, and your body just wants to let loose, to run free."

"Oh yeah?" Allison probed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Ever done anything… naughty while transformed?"

"Maybe once or twice. It's hard to explain, but when the moon is full and my wolf side takes over, inhibitions kind of go out the window."

"That sounds pretty hot- I mean, intense," Allison admitted, her voice low and throat dry. "the whole primal, animalistic thing that is."

"You have no idea," Jake's mind went elsewhere. "The moonlight on your skin, the wind in your fur. And when you catch a scent that interests you, well, let's just say it's hard to resist pursuing it."

Allison licked her lips unconsciously, her mind painting a picture of Jake in his werewolf form, pursuing her through the night. "So, what happens when you catch what you're chasing?"

"That depends," Jake stepped closer. "on the prey." Jake paused. "I guess it's all part of being a werewolf," Jake shrugged, his eyes locked on hers. "dealing with urges, but also learning when to let go and embrace the wild side."

"Hmm," Allison bit her lip, her mind spinning with fantasies. "Maybe I should experience it for myself sometime. See what it's like to let loose with someone who knows how to handle their primal urges."

"Be careful what you wish for," Jake's voice was a husky murmur. "There's no telling what might happen."

"Oh good, you two are here," Zephyr announced as she walked through the still unlocked door, she clearly enjoyed interrupting whatever was happening. "I was just thinking, we've got some time off coming up after our first exam, we should head into Neo Haven for a night out. Maybe hit the clubbing scene, live it up a little."

"Maybe." Jake said, stepping back from Allison.

"Yeah, definitely," Allison added, "I could use a night of dancing and drinks."

13: The First Exam

"You got this Alli! I believe in you." Mark's text message was encouraging. Mark was always encouraging. Allison had let him know about the upcoming exam but neglected talking about the part where she would need to perform in the nude.

But Allison was not going to back down. To Commander Stone's surprise, as soon as she got to the training hall, she stripped down. Standing tall, her breasts protruded proudly, her nipples erect from the slight chill in the air. Jetstream and Jake finding it hard to look away.

Commander Stone clapped loudly. "Good show Nightshade. That is what I like to see! Considering you are so eager, I'll let you run the exam first."

Allison couldn't help but smile at her instructor's approval.

"This is a simple search and rescue test." Commander Stone started to explained the exam to the assembled sidekicks. "There will be three civilians in danger and one simulated villain active. You will be scored on how effectively you are able to rescue the three civilians, you will not be scored on how well you fight the villain."

Commander Stone pointed to a crash test dummy that was flopped down beside him. "These dummies will be your civilians." He then pressed a button on device in his pocket. "And this will be your villain."

A tangle of metal tentacles appeared from a hidden compartment in the ground, there must have been dozens of them. They all congealed at the base to form a writhing mass. "This contraption, compliments of The Outfitter, is known as Seamore. Be careful, it has a tendency to grip on tight. Any questions?" Stone neglected to pause, "No? Good. Nightshade, your up."

Allison nodded as she sized up the machine. The metal arms contorted and shifted, searching for a target to latch onto. With a deep breath, she focused her powers and lifted off the ground. The tentacles convulsed as if sensing prey, but she hovered just out of reach.

Weaving through the air, she scanned the room for the dummies. She spotted one trapped under a weighted net in the corner. With a telekinetic tug, she released the net and guided the test subject safely to the rescue zone.

Another dummy was stuck high up on the wall, its limbs flailing wildly. Nightshade flew over and easily plucked it from its perilous perch. As she did, a metal tentacle lashed out, wrapping around her thigh. She cried out in surprise, feeling the cold metal dig into her flesh. With a grunt, she strained to break free, her powers flaring. The tentacle loosened, and she pulled away.

Landing gracefully, she placed the second dummy into the rescue zone. As she turned to face the last rescue, she felt a subtle change in the air. A shiver ran down her spine as she realised the machine was learning, adapting to her movements. The metal arms undulated with purpose now, some reaching for her while others scanned the room for the remaining target.

She located the final dummy halfway across the room, but a forest of tentacles separated her from it. A single metal arm slithered towards the helpless crash test subject. Allison created a telekinetic shield to protect the dummy. The metal arms slapped against her force field, the impact vibrating purple barrier.

She pushed forward through the tangle of metal, her shield holding strong. With a swift movement, she grabbed the final dummy and retreated, the arms snatching at her with increased urgency.

Almost clear, she felt a sudden shift. A few arms broke off, slithering towards her from the side. Caught off guard, she stumbled. In that moment, a tentacle wrapped around her waist, pulling her off balance. She fell forward to the ground, landing on her knees. The dummy falling beside her, fortunately not too hard.

The metal arms constricted, pulling her back against a thick tentacle. Her breasts pressed against the cold metal as she was held in place. Allison struggled, but the machine had her trapped.

The tentacles shifted, one sliding up her leg, another caressing her back. She cried out, her voice echoing in the training hall. The arms bound her wrists, holding her arms behind her back as another slid between her legs, pressing against her pussy.

She moaned as the metal appendage rubbed against her. Her teeth clenched as the machine stimulated her. The arms moved in unison, touching her breasts, sliding across her thighs, caressing her body.

Allison realised the true nature of this machine. The Outfitter had created a lewd, perverse contraption, of course he had.

As the mechanical arms continued their violations, she arched her back, the tentacle between her legs pressing firmly against her most sensitive spot. Her body betrayed her, responding to the stimulation, the vibrations reminding her of the toy she left back home.

Allison writhed in the grip of the mechanical monster, her body betrayed her as the cold metal arms teased and stimulated. Waves of pleasure washed over her and she cried out, her voice echoing in the training hall. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She was supposed to pass the test and not get captured, she was not supposed to be turned on.

A s she reached the peak of her ecstasy, her powers flared to life, stimulated by her pleasure. She felt her powers surge with the same intensity as her orgasm.

With a powerful scream, she unleashed her telekinetic powers like never before. The training hall lights flickered as a surge of purple energy blasted out. The machine, Seamore, was no match. The metal arms were torn apart, the very metal of the robot melted and contorted by her power.

Free, she stood up, the remnants of the machine a smouldering pile of slag at her feet. Jetstream, Full Moon, Zephyr, and Commander Stone were all stunned. The dummies rescued, her powers satisfied, and the test passed with a result far beyond expectations.

"Good work Nightshade." Stone nodded. "Unconventional, but good."

"Holy shit, I think I need a smoke after seeing that." Jetstream joked.

"Are we going to be able to continue the tests?" Zephyr asked. "Seamore looks a bit broken."

"Don't worry, we got plenty more Seamores." Commander Stone assured. "You can get your kit back on Nightshade."

"Oh, right." Allison had almost forgotten she was naked. She was still crackling with purple energy, this had never happened to her before.

Zephyr stepped up next, ready to take on the test next as a new machine revealed itself from the ground. Her breezy confident aura hiding her nervousness. The metal tentacles writhed, sensing fresh prey. Stone activated the machine, and the new Seamore came alive, its arms slithering towards Zephyr. She took a deep breath, summoning a gust of wind that pushed the metal arms back. With graceful movements, she danced around the room, her silver headband glinting in the light. The arms snapped at her, but she was too quick, her body moving with the agility of the wind. Before long she had saved the dummies and past the test.

When it was his turn, Jake's gangly form transformed as he embraced his lycanthropic powers, his body expanding and shifting into his towering werewolf form. Muscles bulged beneath his fur, and his claws extended, sharp and menacing. The mechanical arms lashed out, but Full Moon was too strong. He but the machine to ribbons before saving the dummies.

Jetstream turn, and he was eager to showcase his own abilities, Commander Stone activated the machine, and Seamore surged towards the speedy superhero. With a burst of speed, Jetstream zipped across the room, a white blur. The arms flailed in vain as he ducked and weaved, his movements too swift to track. In mere moments, he had located and rescued the dummies.

The four sidekicks had all pasted their first exam.

"Good work recruits. No training tomorrow so enjoy your evening." Commander Stone dismissed them.

14: At the Club

Allison and Zephyr, sporting their new outfits, arrived at Club Utopia, one of the hottest spots in Neo Haven. Utopia was known for its wild parties and the superhero crowd it attracted. The bouncers, towering and broad-shouldered, immediately ushered them inside after recognising their hero personas. As the pair stepped into the bustling nightclub, the pulsing music and vibrant lights enveloped them.

The club was packed with a diverse mix of individuals, from costumed heroes to civilians seeking a thrill. The dance floor was a sea of bodies, illuminated by neon lights that bathed everyone in an almost supernatural glow. Drinks flowed, conversations buzzed, and the energy was electric.

They met up with Riot, a female sidekick Zephyr had made friends with. Riot was an older, more experienced sidekick with bright pink hair and an outfit to match. She had an attitude and a presence that demanded attention. She was excited to show them the ropes.

"This place is wild!" Zephyr exclaimed, taking in the scene. "I've never been to a club like this before."

"Welcome to Utopia, girls." Riot grinned, leading them further into the club. "This is the place to be if you want to blow off some steam."

Riot guided them through the crowd, occasionally stopping to exchange greetings with fellow heroes or sidekicks. She clearly knew her way around the superhero social scene. They made their way to the bar, where Riot ordered a round of drinks: vibrant cocktails that shimmered with a hint of magic.

"So, Nightshade, how are you finding life in the Fortress so far?" Riot asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"It's been intense." Allison admitted, taking a sip of her drink. "A lot to adjust to, but I'm loving it so far."

"I hear you've been making quite the impression." Riot winked. "Word travels fast in these circles."

Allison felt a tinge of embarrassment as she recalled her unexpected showcase during the exam. "Oh, that..." or perhaps she was talking about Bullseye's affections, it was hard to say.

"Don't be shy, Nightshade." Riot nudged her playfully. "The unexpected is part of the job."

As they chatted and sipped their drinks, the music pulsed around them, a vibrant soundtrack to their superheroic lives. The three sidekicks laughed and shared stories. Riot offered encouragement, her outgoing personality putting them at ease.

On the dance floor, a sultry rhythm took over, and Riot wasted no time in dragging them into the crowd. Bodies moved in unison, a mass of sweating, hedonistic heroism. The bass thumped through their chests, and they surrendered to the music.

Zephyr, normally soft-spoken and reserved, surprised even herself with her uninhibited movements, her petite frame swaying with the beat. Riot's dancing was a force of nature, a blend of graceful athleticism and pure joy. Allison, initially self-conscious, soon found her groove, her powers sparking purple energy trails that followed her moves.

As the rhythm intensified, Allison felt a presence behind her. A tall, dark-haired man with seasoned looks and greying streaks in his hair pressed against her, his hands resting gently on her hips as he moved in sync with the beat.

The stranger was a silver fox, exuding a mature charm that stood out in a room full of youthful heroes. His eyes, bright met Allison's. She felt his muscular body move with hers, his breath warm on her neck.

Glancing around, Allison noticed Riot and Zephyr had also attracted the attention of some anonymous partners. The two sidekicks, were now grinding against strangers, their inhibitions cast aside in the heat of the moment.

Riot, her pink hair glowing under the lights, threw herself into the dance, her eyes closed as she savoured the anonymous touch of a tall, broad-shouldered dancer. Zephyr, her face flushed, moved with the grace and agility that came so naturally to her, her body swaying and twisting with a mysterious, dark-skinned partner, it seemed she had a type.

The music throbbed, driving them further into the night's hedonistic spirit. Though Allison knew nothing of the man dancing against her, she felt a connection through the rhythm and the heat of their bodies. He whispered something in her ear, his voice husky and filled with promise, but his words were lost in the thumping bass.

As the rhythm of the music changed, the stranger's hands slid down Allison's hips, squeezing her firmly. She felt his fingers dip lower, teasing her rear. Allison let out a soft moan, her head falling back against his shoulder.

The stranger's touch was confident and demanding, and she found herself responding. The man's other hand slid up her stomach, his fingers tracing the outline of her top, teasing the tip of her breasts. Allison's nipples hardened beneath the fabric, she was torn between pushing him away and surrendering to the pleasure.

Riot, her own passion ignited, noticed the interplay. She smiled, recognising the electric tension between the stranger and Allison. She leaned closer to Zephyr, her lips brushing her ear. "Looks like Nightshade's found herself a nice partner."

Zephyr nodded. A moment later Zephyr lead man dancing with her off of the dance floor and out of sight.

Allison felt the stranger's breath on her ear, his lips whispering suggestively. "Your intoxicating. " His voice was gravelly yet smooth, and his hands continued their exploration, lightly squeezing her breasts. "Let go. Embrace the night."

Allison's body responded before her mind could protest. She pressed her ass more firmly against him and she let out a soft moan.

The man smirked, his hands now moving boldly, cupping her breasts possessively. He knew he had her, and his whispers turned more explicit, detailing exactly what he wanted to do to her and how he'd make her scream.

Allison felt herself getting carried away, her powers sparking wildly with each filthy promise. But then she same to. Mark's face flashing before her eyes. She pulled away and made for the edge of the dance floor, much to her dance partner's disappointment.

"Is everything ok?" Riot asked but her question went unanswered.

Allison rushed to the toilets, her heart racing. She needed a moment to collect herself, to escape the anonymous stranger's touch and the temptation of the night. As she pushed open the door, the loud music was replaced by the softer, more intimate sounds of the club's restroom.

There, in one of the stalls, she spotted Zephyr through the cracks in one of the rest room stalls. Zephyr was on her knees, her head bowed, and her hands braced against the toilet. A first she thought Zephyr was feeling ill. But it wasn't sickness that had brought Zephyr here.

Taking in the scene, she realised that Zephyr wasn't alone. The dark-skinned man from the dance floor was sitting down in front of her, his hands gently guiding her head up and down on his cock.

Her lips were wrapped around the man's shaft, her tongue teasing and caressing with clear expertise. Her green lipstick slightly rubbing off on the man's length.

The man's hips pushed forward, his movements matching the low beat from the dance floor. His hand tightened in Zephyr's hair, guiding her pace and depth, and he groaned with pleasure.

Allison watched, shocked and aroused despite herself. She knew she should say something, but the sight held her captive. What would Jetstream think?

Zephyr's mouth hummed around the man's length, and she redoubled her efforts, taking him deeper and swirling her tongue, gulping down his length. The man's hips stuttered, and his grip on her tightened as he neared his release.

Allison, watched as the stranger's muscles tense, his abs contracting as he held back, not wanting to finish too quickly. But Zephyr was relentless, her suction and tongue work expert.

His hips began to buck, his control slipping as Zephyr milked him with her mouth. With a final, deep thrust, he came filling her mouth with his cum. Zephyr pulled back, and swallowed, then licked her lips. The man laughed, a mix of satisfaction and embarrassment.

Allison, her heart still pounding, finally found her voice. "Zoe." She managed, her voice hoarse. "I..."

Zephyr stood, a hand wiping her mouth. "Hey, Alli." She smiled. "Like Riot said, it's a great place to blow off some steam."

Allison turned and hurried out of the restroom, she left the club early that night.

15: Breaking Point

Allison desperately needed cock. She admitted it to herself. When she got back to her dorm room she tossed and turned in her bed, unable to find relief with even her fingers. She remembered Bullseye's offer, she should just go over there and get it over with, maybe then she could get back to focusing on being a sidekick. She loved Mark, but Mark wasn't here, and it was late enough that he would be asleep so calling him wasn't really an option.

"Urgh!" Allison let out a grunt of frustration. Her mind thinking back to Zephyr and how she so nonchalantly cheated on Jetstream, sucking off some guy she had met that night, and Zephyr was supposed to be the shy one. If only Allison could be so bold.

Allison ached for release, but her usual solo routines weren't cutting it tonight. "Faaark." she sighed.

Rolling onto her back, Allison gazed up at the ceiling, rubbing her hands over her body, feeling the energy coursing within. An idea sparked. 'Learn to use my powers.', she reached between her legs, gathering her energy. A purple shimmer formed between her thighs, moulding into a phallic shape, growing thicker and longer until she held a shimmering purple cock made of energy in her hands.

Allison guided the vibrantly coloured dildo to her entrance. She pushed, feeling the slick, pulsating energy slide into her with ease. It was strangely arousing, the sensation different from a regular toy or a man's cock. This was an extension of herself.

She moaned, her breath coming in short gasps as she began to thrust, imagining Bullseye above her, that cocky smirk on his face as he filled her. Then the image morphed, and it was Jake, his powerful hands gripping her hips as he pounded into her with primal need. The fantasy shifted again, the older stranger at the club, who hadn't even given her his name.

"Aaah!" Allison cried out, her back arching as she thrust the energy cock harder and faster. It slid in and out with a wet, squelching sound, the unique sensations building her towards a climax. But something was missing, the fantasy not quite enough to push her over the edge. She needed more, craved a real touch, a true connection, and the longing for completion left her hanging on the edge of satisfaction, yet still wanting. She decided it was time.

She got up, got dressed, and left her room. A minute later Allison knocked on Bullseye's door.

The door opened, and Bullseye stood before her, wearing only a pair of loose boxer shorts. His chest was bare and glistening, his blond hair messy, as if he'd been sleeping. He grinned as if he knew he'd won.

"Nightshade," he greeted, his voice low and inviting. "I've been expecting you."

Allison felt a rush of desire at the sight of him, the reality of the moment hitting her full force. She stepped into the room, her heart pounding. "Bullseye," she whispered, her eyes taking in his sculpted body, the definition of his abs.

"Congratulations on passing your first exam," he said, stepping aside to let her enter. "I heard you really took charge. Showed everyone what you're made of."

Allison felt a flush of pride, mixed with a growing warmth between her legs. "Thanks," she said, her voice steady, despite her nerves. "I'm ready to take you up on your offer."

"Are you, now? Prove it."

"Prove it?" Allison didn't quite get what he meant.

"Pull down my boxer shorts and make me want you." Bullseye said, his words commanding.

Allison stepped closer, her heart racing as she reached out and hooked her fingers into the elastic waistband of his shorts. With a slow, deliberate motion, she pulled them down, revealing his manhood.

Bullseye's cock was thick and veiny, the tip already glistening with anticipation. It was easily three times the size of Mark's, and it wasn't even fully erect yet. Allison's held her breath as she took in its impressive length and girth.

She hesitated, her hand hovering just above it, feeling the warmth radiating from his flesh. "It's so big," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and trepidation.

"Then you better get started," Bullseye said, his voice laced with amusement. "It's not going to suck itself."

Allison's nervousness dissolved into determination. She wanted this, and she wanted to prove that she could handle it. With a steady hand, she reached forward and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She began to stroke, slowly at first, getting a feel for his size and hardness.

Her grip tightened, and she found a rhythm, stroking him with long, firm motions. She could feel his cock twitch and throb in her hand, growing harder and heavier with each passing moment. The head was enormous, the veins along its length standing out proudly as it thickened.

Allison moaned softly, surprised at how much she was enjoying this. She picked up the pace, her hand gliding up and down his shaft with increasing urgency. She could feel the blood pumping through it, making it swell even larger in her grasp.

"That's it, Nightshade," Bullseye grunted, his eyes closing in pleasure. "Show me what a quick study you are."

Allison continued to work Bullseye's cock, seeing the massive length as a challenge to conquer. Her own arousal heightened as she pictured the many ways she could please him. She considered taking the head into her mouth, tasting the salty pre-cum that had begun to leak from the tip. But another idea, more daring, began to form in her mind.

Bullseye groaned, his eyes flashing open as he watched her. "You're a natural," he said, his voice hoarse with need. "But I know you want more than just a handjob."

"Maybe I do." Allison teased, her confidence building. She wanted to explore, push the boundaries of her powers and her desires. With a mischievous smile, she stepped back, releasing his shaft.

Reaching out with her telekinetic powers, she formed a vortex of purple energy around his cock, crafting a tight, pulsating sleeve that encased the entire length. It was like a pocket pussy, but made purely of her energy, hugging every contour of his shaft.

"Holy shit..." Bullseye muttered, as Allison began to pump her energy construct up and down his length. The sensation was unlike anything he'd experienced before.

Allison watched, fascinated, as her energy-crafted toy slid up and down his shaft. She controlled it with her mind, adjusting the grip and speed to maximise his pleasure. The motion was fluid and relentless, a unique experience that neither of them had ever felt before.

"This is..." Bullseye trailed off, his breath coming in sharp gasps. "Fucking incredible."

The sleeve of energy moved faster, the friction and stimulation driving him wild. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, lubricating the energetic canal, making the sensations even more intense. A few minutes later and Allison was impressed, Bullseye had already lasted much longer than Mark could.

"That's it, Nightshade," Bullseye encouraged, his voice strained. "Keep going. I'm close."

Determined to push him over the edge, Allison increased the pace. Her concentration deepened as she fine-tuned the sensations, drawing out every ounce of pleasure. She could sense his balls tightening, his cock twitching, signalling his impending release.

"Oh fuck, here it comes!" Bullseye cried out, his body stiffening as he reached his climax.

The purple sleeve milked his cock, the tight grip and rapid strokes bringing him to an explosive orgasm. Jet after jet of thick, white cum spurted from the tip, mingling with her purple energy in a dazzling display. It was a sight to behold, a fusion of their power and passion.

As his climax subsided, Bullseye leaned back against the wall, his chest heaving. He gazed at Allison with a mix of astonishment and admiration. "That was..." He struggled to find the words. "Fucking unbelievable. But I'm not letting you off that easily." Bullseye was surprised Allison was such a formidable foe.

"My turn," he said, his voice filled with promise.

Bullseye closed the distance between them. Allison's body tingled with anticipation as she found herself wanting more, needing to feel him inside her.

In a swift motion, Bullseye used his powers to lift Allison off her feet and gently toss her onto the bed. She landed on the soft mattress, her hair splayed out around her, and her purple eyes sparkling with desire.

Bullseye joined her on the bed, his gaze fixed on her body as he reached out and placed his hands on her thighs. With a squeeze, he began to massage her soft flesh, his touch sending shivers up her spine.

"You're so beautiful, Nightshade," he murmured, his fingers trailing upwards, inching closer to the centre of her desire.

Allison moaned, her breath quickening as she felt his fingertips brush against her panties. The fabric was already damp with her arousal, the scent of her need filling the air between them.

Bullseye slid his fingers underneath the waistband, his touch sending sparks of pleasure through her body. With a gentle motion, he tugged the panties down, baring her completely.

"So wet," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin as he leaned in close. "You've been wanting this, haven't you?"

Allison nodded, unable to speak as the sensation overwhelmed her. She felt exposed and vulnerable, yet incredibly aroused. Her heart pounded in her chest as she anticipated what was to come.

Bullseye aligned his fingers with her slit, his touch gentle and teasing at first. He dragged his fingertips through her slick folds, collecting her essence on his skin. With a flick of his wrist, he brought his slick fingers to his mouth, savouring her taste with a moan of appreciation.

"Mmm, delicious," he purred, his eyes darkening with lust. "Now, let's see how you react to this."

With that, Bullseye slid two fingers into her waiting cunt, his kinetic powers enhancing the sensation. It was like nothing Allison had ever experienced before. She cried out, a jolt of pleasure shot through her.

Bullseye's fingers moved within her, his touch expert and sure. He curled his fingers, searching for that magical spot that would send her over the edge. His thumb rubbed circles around her clit, adding to the overwhelming stimulation.

Allison moaned, her body trembling as he began to thrust his fingers in and out, his palm pressing against her sensitive bud with each retreat. The sensations built, spiralling into a whirlwind of pleasure.

"That's it, Nightshade," Bullseye encouraged, his voice thick with his own arousal. "Let go. Come for me."

His fingers moved faster, his kinetic powers intensifying the stimulation. Allison cried out, her body tensing as she teetered on the edge. Then, with a final flick of his wrist, Bullseye sent her tumbling over the precipice.

"OHH!" Allison shouted, her body convulsing as she was rocked by the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. It was like a shockwave, rippling through her, her vision flashing white as her powers surged in response to her climax. The world around her seemed to vibrate in time with her pleasure.

As she came down from her peak, Allison lay panting, her body spent and satisfied. She gazed up at Bullseye, her eyes sparkling with gratitude and lust.

"That was..." She struggled to find the words. "Incredible. I've never felt anything like it."

"I always hit my target." Bullseye joked.

Allison ignored his terrible humour and fell asleep there in Bullseye's arms, hoping Mark would never find out about this. At least she felt… satisfied.


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