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So here is a rar, hopefully when downloaded all the drawings are at the full resolution. 

Will be making all uploads as rars. 


Todd Whitesel

I think the attachments (even images as attachments) are always left alone, but it definitely seems to do something to images that are displayed in the post. I've saved lots of different image sizes out of posts on Patreon, and it seems to resize the file more often than the image pixels. I think it may be some misguided attempt to consistently encode the images with modest jpeg compression to save space or something, but usually when I have an attachment to compare to the displayed image, the attachment is smaller so if disk space conservation was the goal it isn't working. Bottom line though I have always had good luck with attached images here, did that change?

Todd Whitesel

Aha... starting with Punk_girl_1.jpg the display images are showing much higher levels of JPEG compression at the same pixel dimensions, so the files are in fact a lot smaller. Also, sats_1 and 2, and raven_hg. Older files like Scathach_1.jpg compare equal to what's in your RAR.