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Hey guys.

I just got a notice that a lot of older posts are not unlocked for the new $6 tier.

My dearest apologies for this issue. I assumed that lower tiers will automatically be unlocked for higher tiers. But instead it looks like older posts do not acknowledge the new tier.

I basically have to go through hundreds of posts and manually unlock the new tier there (ugh)

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and I will get to it as soon as possible. so If you are new here to have upgraded to the $6 tier, please bear with me. I will get you the promised access asap :)


1.) early Access for Kitten is unlocked

2.) NSFW Kitten sketches are unlocked

3.) Pin ups, "in SECURITY" comics should be unlocked. If you do stumble one of those posts that are still locked for the $6, please send me a PM with the name and date of the post and I will look into it. 

4.) Kitten sketches are now unlocked. 

5.) Inktober/Simptober are all unlocked too

6.) Early access for 'Remy Felobo" and "Katzen-Jammer!" is unlocked

Alrighty, I have unlocked everything except the 'in SECURITY' sketches and WIPs. Please give me for those two folders a few days bc either collection is gigantic @_@"

Once again, I'm really, really sorry for anyone who got locked out from the rewards they paid/subscribed for. This was an absolute oversight on my part. I hope this hiccup did not dampen your enjoyment of my work.

thanks again for your support. As soon as the remaining folders are edited, I'll post it in here ^^"


Philip Rauschert

Ah computer glitches. Good thing we love computers, otherwise? We'd throw them out of second story windows onto our driveways.


Thanks so much for putting your time and effort into this, Bea. I thought something was off, since while looking up the "Eye Contact" pinups to reference in a comment, I could only go back maybe 7-8 months with the NSFW posts ("Eye Contact" was beyond that) and about as far with some of the other pinups. Oddly enough, I've noticed on both my browsers that scrolling through Patreon posts, no matter whose Patreon page I'm looking at, I can only go back so far before the "Load more" button no longer works properly and it starts repeating itself. I've tried several browsers and they all do the same thing. So it's good that Patreon now has a "Collections" section where certain genres/motifs can be grouped together by category rather than having to scroll through every single post.