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Hey everyone,

I have some news for you! 

For years I have been asked if I would consider doing some more mature art for Patreon. while I was first a tad reluctant  I eventually introduced two mature sketches every month for the $5 tier. Some people hated it, but a lot people really liked them.

However, I was contemplating for a while to make a new, dedicated tier for this kind of artwork only. Reason behind it is to kinda keep more mature stuff separated from the family friendly content. 

so here it is, the anticipated $6 tier! wohoo!

But wait, before you upgrade! I'm fully aware that some supporters just recently subscribed to my Patreon for the $5 tier and I feel a kinda bad to up charge y'all on such a short term.

So for the next two month I will run Patreon the way I did until now, meaning you will get all sketches, including the NSFW one on the $5. 

Starting April ALL NSFW content will be $6 tier only. 

In other words, you have two months to decide if you want to upgrade or not. Older content will remain on the $5 for now too but eventually I move it up as well.

Also, just to be transparent. So this is what to expect:

1.) I will only create NSFW content for the following series:

"You've gotta be kitten me!"


and "Gal-Axy!"

2.) Every month I plan on posting:

 two sketches (the ones that I already upload on the current $5 tier)

one illustration which will come in several versions-censored (which will be available public) and an uncensored which will be Patreon only

3.) None of my work will be hardcore. It's highly suggestive, with a fair amount of nudity.  But I don't think I have the guts to draw full on porn with all its frills.  so keep that in mind when upgrading ;)

If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to let me know. Thank you so much for your support and I hope I can continue making art for your enjoyment ^^ 


Nick Klepac

I am at the top tier + ($50), do I get this stuff included automatically?


yes, the higher tiers will automatically get the content of all the tiers below :)

Ronald D Morrison

Is this an extra one buck or an extra $6.00?