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I'm not sure if I used that title already....but...here it is again ^^"

Mino's turn for a pin up again. I tried to stick to warm and cozy ...but in the end it turned kinda purple again ^^" But it didn't lose it's coziness, imo.

Hope you like it.



Serra Britt

I'm starting to wonder if Rupert isn't on the Ace spectrum somewhere, to be able to sleep next to her and still be a gentleman about it. I mean I wouldn't mind just cuddling, but I'm Ace so that's why I wonder XD


It's plot-armor with an unhealthy helping of shyness, I'd say XD. Although, to be honest, while I don't know and understand every definition of sexual attraction. I like to think that many of my characters need an emotional bond before they feel any sexual attraction. so...Rupert might fall somewhere under the ace umbrella. But I honestly don't really know for sure ^^"


I just recently found your comic "you've got to be kitten me" and I binged it, when I realized I finished what had been released I was in pure shock! Then when I saw the "Become A Parton" button I clicked it so fast. I'm so so so so so happy I've found your comic! Mino is such a wonderful character that I would love to cosplay! Is that something your open to people doing??


Thank you so much. I’m happy you like my work this much ☺️ I have no issues with cosplay. If you like to dress as her, feel free to do so ☺️