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If you follow me on social media you probably already have seen some sneak peeks. and while I hinted towards a new project here as well, I haven't really dropped much about it yet ^^"

Anyway, here it is...well, kinda. Last year I started toying with a new short story idea called 'Gal-axy'. Initially it was planned as a pure fan service idea, aimed at a more mature audience, about a girl who...actually wanted to by abducted by an interstellar being. Meanwhile her capturer is more or less unimpressed by her advances.

well, the longer I though about the idea, the sweeter it got. And in the end while there's still some fan service here and there, it turned into a far less raunchy story than originally intended ^^"    

That's being said, while I wrote the story and penciled the layouts last year...thanks to me moving and having to catch up on all my other projects I was unable to start working on this comic until now. Merely some initial drawings and sketches are available. 

I'll start releasing more info about them within the next weeks

Meanwhile, enjoy the first looks at the two protagonists: Gal and ʎx∀.



Philip Rauschert

Back in the days of 'Hollywood Censorship' there was some brilliantly funny and bawdy material which came out thanks to the fact that you couldn't talk about certain things directly. You might find some fun ideas popping out of those old Mae West and W.C. Fields movies and radio shows.

Serra Britt

This is a cute little idea! I'm excited to see where it goes XD


Yes, I was thinking about doing something in that direction too. coded jokes and some misunderstandings. Although I kinda also like the idea of them being rather sweet than raunchy most of the time ^^