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...ok, I admit it. The past week I didn't come around to finish any new strips ;3;

But, don't worry, that's going to change next week again :) I (nearly) finished the writing for the remaining four month of the year and soon start to do the thumbnails. One arc makes it a bit hard for me because it's sports based and I'm pretty much the queen of the couch potatoes...but I'll somehow will swing it...I hope xD

besides that I'm really excited to soon wrap up the production of the first year...at least the planning of it (I bet it'll takes us a couple more month until the actual strips are finished. But it's still nice to see things come together :)

Once again, thanks for your support. I really, really appreciate that :D

About this strip: this is part of an arc which probably comes along in early September. Long story short, Charlene left the hubby alone for the weekend...now he's someone elses problem ;)




Yeah. Roy will not take the hint. Looking forward to the arc!