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You know, I'm really jealous of those artists who are able to draw really nice and clean sketches. Therefore I was trying to do something like that too...

Sadly...it's only a head shot...but maybe in future I can do more cleaner sketches with more complex motives :3

Hope you like it and have a nice weekend ^^




Looks great! Keeping up with a daily strip will do wonders I'm sure. I once bought a small sized 80 page drawing tablet and vowed to draw at least one head a day until it was filled. Quite a difference at the end! My problem now is that I'm not drawing every day. Skills are lost over time.


Thank you :) Yes, that's true. Like with a lot of things, you can unlearn drawing once you stop doing it for awhile. I was busy the past two weeks, and aside of sketches, I didn't do any other artwork. Today I sat down the first time again doing comic pencils...I'm not happy with the result to be honest XD Thank god for erasers :)