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My husband once said Charlene is the least attractive from all my girls...I wanted to prove him wrong.

(actually, I find her very attractive...she's just attractive in a different way compared to Ellie and Sedine :>)



Brian Perler

Well, Ellie is supposed to be just naturally beautiful, and Sedine would seem to be the type to play up her "cuteness" (as well as trying to project a "sexy" vibe so she appears less child-like), but Charlene would be the type to downplay her attractiveness, I'd think, so as to draw as little attention to herself as possible. (But maybe that's just my interpretation of the characters?)


I'd ship that!...but I'm old...and married...^_^


I think you are spot on with your interpretation. I could've not described it any better. Thank you for your thoughts about it :)